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I couldn’t believe it; high school was over. 

With a few more hugs and waves I started my walk home, a walk I had done nearly every day for the past 3 years. My mom was always able to drive me to school, but she was still at work when I finished for the day. That left me two options: walk or bus, and as a pretty active person I normally took the former. 

Honestly, even though it was half an hour of walking, I enjoyed the time to think, listen to music or podcasts, or sometimes just listen to the sounds of the world around me. On occasion I even walked with these cute boys, Matt and Bryan, who lived near me. But today was my time, and part of me was sad knowing this was the very last one. 

As I walked, I found myself fighting for balance and a little more giggly than normal...if I’m coming clean I was pretty drunk. It was tradition on the last day of school at my high school for the students to secretly drink throughout the day. If you were eighteen, most teachers would turn a blind eye and just let the students have their day. However if a teach caught a seventeen year old student drunk, they and any students they got drinks from would have a meeting with the principal and have their certificates put on hold. So for the most part, the younger members of the graduating class didn’t participate. 

I was lucky, I turned eighteen last week and was primed for a drunken last day. It didn’t take much for me to get drunk, I’m pretty petite and a serious lightweight, but my friends took good care of me and made sure I was drinking lots of water throughout.

The other newly discovered drunken problem I had was my bladder. Being small and petite, I didn’t really have that big a bladder anyways, but when I was drunk it became especially active. I had nearly pissed my pants on the night of my birthday, just barely getting my underwear down in time and my butt on the toilet before I lost control. I did have a few wet spots on my panties at the end of the night...but that doesn’t matter. 

The walk seemed more beautiful than ever today. I opted to just walk with no headphones in, listening to the birds chirp and the wind softly blow. I let out a heavy sigh and then-


Before I could even react, I fell over into the grass. I had been walking sideways and my foot caught in a crack in the sidewalk. My head spun drunkenly and I pushed myself back up, staggering backwards before regaining my balance. I shook my head and brushed myself off; thankfully, there was no one nearby to witness my embarrassment, but I nonetheless felt awkward. 

As I was brushing myself off, my hands felt something wet on my leg. I looked down and my face went pale as I saw a wet spot the size of a softball in between my legs. My head shot up and I looked around, make sure no one could see me, then looked back and examined the spot.

Clearly, I had wet myself. Not much, but in my fall enough spurted out to make a significant mark on my jeans. My heart started pounding and my stomach felt ill, and all I thought about was being seen, especially by someone from my school. As I stood, not moving and scanning the area a third time, I finally felt the sudden desperation for the toilet. 

It came over me like a punch to the gut. Instantly I was incredibly desperate, and I buckled over. 

All of a sudden there was noise behind me. Talking. I turned around slowly to see the worst possible people: Matt and Bryan. My heart skipped a beat and I tried to think quickly. They walked most of the way to my house, only stopping off a few blocks earlier than me. 

Without much thought my legs just started moving, faster than I thought they could drunkenly go. My hand was jammed firmly into my crotch trying to hold in the pee that was so determined to escape. As I walked, the pain got worse and worse, and I knew that I didn’t have much time left...but I was still twenty minutes from home. 

“Hey Erin!” I heard my name called behind, Matt had seen me. I just kept walking, pretending I hadn’t heard them. “Erin! Erin wait up!” I walked faster, but it was no use. They were running to catch up with me, and as I heard their steps get closer, I pulled my hand from my crotch and tried to act normal. 

“Oh hey guys, how was your last day?” I slurred out through a drunk fake smile.

“Amazing, did you see Dustin? He got so loaded they had to take him to the hospital!’ Bryan said almost bragging. As cute as they were, they were still football meatheads...I found it kind of endearing though. 

“What? No I didn’t that’s…” I paused as I felt my bladder give for a moment. A small but strong burst of pee splashed against my panties, and I felt the heat spread. I realized I had stopped walking and talking, and Bryan and Matt were looking at me funny. “That’s crazy” I finished, squeezing my legs together a little tighter. 

“Yeah Mr. Burch was pissed, I think this was the last year teachers are going to be cool with the Drink Day” Matt said, he was drunk too. 

“That’s too bad, but hey at least we got to d-” Another, longer stream hissed out of me and into my jeans. I didn’t dare look down, but i knew for a fact that it was more visible than before, and just had to hope that the boys didn’t notice.

But I had stopped walking again, and they were both looking at me. 

“You okay Erin?” Bryan asked. I started walking before that could examine me. 

“Yes sorry, just….thought I forgot something at school”

“Well that’s alright, even if you did they’ll call you. Two years ago my older brother was so shitfaced when he left he forgot his whole backpack which had his wallet and phone and everything in it. My mom was so pissed because he thought it was stolen, but the school called us the next day” 

“That’s good to-” I could feel my bladder starting to give. Another spurt, then another, then a stream, and I couldn't stop it. “-know.” I said finishing my thought and holding back tears. This time, I didn’t stop. I just continued walking side by side with these oblivious boys as piss streamed relentlessly down my thighs and legs. There was even a loud hissing sound coming from my crotch, and the sound of dripping onto the concrete sidewalk as I walked; they were none the wiser. 

It felt like I was pissing forever; my shoes filled with the warm liquid and my butt became completely covered in piss. I managed to have a quick look down at myself, and was relieved to realized the piss stains had mostly spread to the back of my legs, with only a small streak spreading out to the front of my left leg. 

We walked the whole way back to their place, my heart in a flurry, anticipating them to realize at any moment what I had done. But as we got to their place, they turned to me, said “See you at grad”, and walked away. 

I sighed, exhausted from the whole thing, and walked the remaining few blocks home, my shoes squishing the whole way. 

When I got inside, I stripped my clothes, threw them into the wash and ran a bath. I sunk into the warm water, feeling the stress of school and wetting myself wash away. 

Then I had to open my phone. 

There was a notification, from my friend Megan. A text saying ‘I’m so sorry, don’t worry, it’ll blow over soon.” Confused, I replied with ‘What?’.

She sent me a link, and I opened it with my heart once again racing. 

It was Bryan’s twitter. The caption was “She was so drunk she didn’t even know she was going lmao!”, and there was a video thumbnail...with my legs in it. I hit play. 

When I saw the clip, I got pale. There, in clear daylight, I saw a waterfall of pee flow down the back of my legs while I was walking. He even snuck a view of my face, and I looked completely unaware. While that was intentional at the time, now looked like I was just some dumb drunk bitch who needed diapers in order to get drunk. 

I scrolled down to see the comments. There was “LOL”, “OMG”, surprisingly some “So hot”, and of course “Someone bring a diaper to grad for her!”.

I tossed the phone to the side, and sunk my head underwater. I was finally done high school; avoided embarrassment, bullying, or any public crucifying to the very last second, but on the last day, even after the bell had rung, I was forever going to be known as the girl who needs diapers. Great.


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