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Finally, the formula was complete. I had worked on this for years; once upon a time it was a simple conversation in a bar with a friend, and now it is fully synthesized and in my hands. The chemical compound that is linked to attraction. 

Let me put this simply, there is a chemical reaction in the brain that happens when you see someone that you are attracted to, that turns you on, etc. My compound triggers that reaction to make a person seem more attractive to others around them. All one has to do is spray it directly on your skin like a perfume, the compound mixes with your natural sweat scent that is unique to you and tada, you’re instantly more attractive to others. Or at least, something in their brain is telling them that something about you is turning them on. 

It has been a tough road, many trials failed and my funding ran dry last year. I’ve been running on bank loans and money lent from friends and family ever since...but that was all going to be absolved soon. This compound had already drawn interest from several high end beauty companies, looking to have an attracting perfume on their hands to corner the market. That was a while ago, but once I present to them the finished product...well lets just say that the highest bidder is going to have to be very, very generous. 

There was only one more stage left: Final human trials. I had done human trials before, but after the funding ran out I had to try guerrilla science...meaning wearing the compound out in public and observe people's reactions to me. I am of average appearance so when people turned an eye to me, I knew it was the compound working. This was the final product thought, I knew it...It also had to be, I couldn’t take out any more money and my family and friends had all but given up on me. There was one person left though, my intern Gretta.

Gretta was a 24 year old grad student; cute, kind of quirky and nerdy, and doing her best to hide her phenomenal physique under her lab coat daily. She was young and innocent, acting on many occasions much younger than she was, but she was a brilliant chemist and a great assistance. To be honest, I had a thing for Gretta. It was hard not to when we spent so much time together, but something about her was...special. In a way, I didn’t want to use the compound on her as it was almost cheating...but I couldn’t let my feelings get in the way of a scientific breakthrough. So when I saw Gretta walk in, perky and with a big grin on her face, I took a deep breath and liberally sprayed the compound onto my skin. 

It went on dry, but as it mixed into my pores and sweat I could feel it’s dampness sink in. The smell was somewhat pleasant, nothing extraordinary as far as perfume goes but that wasnt the point. I walked into the lab Gretta was in and stood next to her. 

“Good morning” I said sweetly.

“Good morning! I brought some coffee for you, it’s in the other...room…” She looked at me and trailed off. It was working.

“That’s very kind of you Gretta, thank you” I replied, containing the smile that was creeping its way to my lips. 

“Well...anything for you, you know…” She said flirtatiously, and kept her eyes fixed on me. I stared back at her, studying her reaction. “You look, different, so...perfect” she said under her breath. She was saying as if it were the first time she’d realized it, which I guess it probably was. 

“Thank you…” I said awkwardly, not really knowing what to do from here. We stood there for a solid minute before I thought I’d go record the results, but she stopped me and pulled me close to her. I felt her breath against mine and our noses touched, I thought she was going to kiss me but instead she kept staring, and then I hear something dripping. 

I looked down, hot liquid was pouring out of Gretta’s crotch, soaking her pants and shoes. I took a step back, shocked and confused as I watched Gretta completely piss herself. The strangest part was, she didn’t break her eye contact with me; it was like she was too...infatuated to notice she was wetting herself. 

“Gretta….you’re…” I stumbled to find words.

“That doesn’t matter” she said, now a little more eerily. “What matters is me, and you, together. Our bodies touching. My skin on your skin. Your hands on my breasts and your tongue on my pussy.”

“But you just pissed yourself like….like some infant who doesn’t know how to hold it.”

“You want me to be like an infant? Like a little baby in diapers?” She jumped to conclusions.

“No! No not at all-”

She ran to the drawer under the sink, her shoes squishing under her feet. Out of it she pulled a thick medical diaper. I had them there in case some of the tests had gone wrong...I guess this was one of those tests. The dropped her wet pants to the floor and they slapped against the ground. Without hesitation, she unfolded the diaper and taped herself into it sloppily, like she was trying to please me as fast as she could. Then she laid on the floor, sucking her thumb.

I was so shocked all I could do was watch, mouth wide open. I didn’t know how to reverse the effects yet and even if I did shower the compound off, it would take awhile for her arousal to come back to normal levels. Stepping carefully over to her I looked down at her sucking and squirming away. For a few moments I watched, studying and observing. 

“Say, Mama” I told her.

“MAMA!” she gurgled out with baby words.

“Say Dada!”


I thought for a moment; I was very much taking advantage of and controlling this girl. It didn’t feel right, and I know that she would remember everything that happened here...but then again, I did need some research…

“Make a messy diapers little baby” I said, and in an instant Gretta’s cheeks were red with strain from pushing out a big mess into the back of her diapers. I smelt it and smiled. This may not have gone exactly right, but I might as well have some fun...


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