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The silence hung over the room for a while, June and I staring at Brittany. My eyes were dancing between her diaper and her expression, hoping to see a smile form explaining that it was all a joke; but she didn’t laugh, she just continued. 

“Your contract binds you to wearing diapers 24/7, and not just on school grounds, but everywhere. Every week you are to attend a ‘Check up’ with the dean, he will monitor your progress and-” Brittany was cut off by a shaking and angry June.

“Check up? What progress? Is this for real? Like this really can’t be serious, it’s a joke right? Well you got us. Ha Ha very funny, if you didn’t want us to join this sorority then just say, don’t drag us through all this bullshit.”

“Oh, it is very serious.” A man’s voice cut through the thick air of the tense room. June and I turned abruptly to see who was speaking, and our eyes widened as we recognized him.

It was the dean himself. 

“Girls, what I’m offering you and all the other girls currently under contract with AB is something no one else will be offered at any university across the country, at least...that I know of. You have the opportunity here to leave with a 4.0 from this prestigious university, have doors opened to you that would have otherwise been slammed in your face, all the while having a steady income and a sense of community that is priceless. All this yours, for participation in a little change of undergarment.” 

He spoke calmly and intellectually, in a soothing but somewhat menacing voice. He was like a villain in a superhero movie explaining his evil plan, only this evil plan was...diapers. While he spoke he paced around the room, and June and I followed his every move with our unbreaking gaze, remaining silent. 

“We are very select with our process, I trust Brittany to find me the best candidates, but I have also been overseeing your journey girls.” This came as a shock to both of us, as there was never any man present or any sign of cameras in the house...perhaps they were overlooked. The dean walked over to me and looked directly into my eyes. 

“Amy, I’ve been watching you especially close” he said almost whispering. 

“Why?” I asked, a little shake in my voice.

“Because you are the most in need of diapers my girl. Your friend here has a strong bladder, but that will change. She was mainly brought in as insurance for your joining.” He explained, and I looked over to June. I felt regret for dragging her back into this, it was my fault she was here. She met my gaze and as if she could tell what I was thinking, shook her head no. 

“So she doesn’t need to stay then right? She can go?” I asked, more confidence in my voice this time.

“Ha!” The dean laughed once and looked right at me again. “You two are bound now by contract, I’m sorry but it is done.”

“And what if we break that contract?” June asked spitefully. The dean turned to her and scowled with a smile.

“I can assure you” he said ominously “you’ll spend the rest of your life flipping burgers or writing names on cups.” He was right in her face, and I could see her fighting back tears. 

There was a moment of silence in the room which gave me time to have a thought about what he just said; the dean had power over us in a way we couldn’t avoid. He could manipulate our grades, construct false academic integrity schemes, get us expelled and fill our transcripts with bad grades, making it impossible to get into another school. Turning to June in this moment, I could tell she was thinking this as well.

“You have had a gift fall into your lap girls. Accept it, and you’ll have the greatest years of your life guiding you to a bright future.” Our heads were hung, and I could tell even Brittany was uncomfortable; she hadn’t said a word since he entered the room. “Fight this opportunity, and you will put yourself down a path of which no one has ever come back from, and trust me, many girls have tried.”

With that, he left the room, leaving the room back into the still and silent prison it was before his entrance. Brittany shuffled around with some things and came over to each of us, quietly presenting us with a backpack. The bag was an AB themed backpack, and it was full to the brim. I unzipped it curiously to find an outfit similar to the rest of the AB girls, a bottle of baby powder, baby wipes, and a few diapers. 

“This is to start you two off” Brittany explained “By the end of the day tomorrow are to have all your things moved from your current dorm into your new rooms here at the AB house. Once you are fully settled in, you may rest and in the following morning, we will run you through the day to day.”

She stood there for a moment, waiting for us to say something. When she realized we were not going to, she collected her things and headed for the door in a hurry. As soon as she opened it she stopped, and without looking at us, she said “make sure you’re both diapered before you leave this room. I will check you on your way out” and then hurried out, slamming the door behind her. 

When we could no longer hear her footsteps, I exhaled a long breath that I didn't even realize I had been holding. June stared into the bag, still quiet. 

“What have we gotten ourselves into Amy” She spoke softly, in a volume I almost didn’t hear. 

“I don’t know” I replied, matching her tone, “but whatever happens, we will always have each other.” I reached out and held her hand. She squeezed mine tightly, still staring into the bag. 

“We’re so screwed” she started crying, and I did my best to comfort “we’re going to be expelled, we’ll never get into college again, I had a dream you know? My mom is going to be so mad at me oh my god…”

For whatever reason, I didn’t cry with her. It was upsetting to watch her cry, but a thought kept running through my head, and I looked into my own bag again, then reached into it. I felt the crinkle of the diapers, the same ones which we had worn in multiples earlier today, and I felt rather...relaxed. I pulled it out and examined it, then placed it on the table in front of me. 

“Or…” I started softly, June’s sobbing turning into sporadic sniffling, “we could just...wear these.”

June looked up at me with shock, “You aren’t serious” she scoffed. 

“June think about it. Steady income, good grades, social status, close connection with the dean, all for what, a little extra padding in our pants?” I believed what I said, and June looked at me like I’d lost my mind.

“You saw the dean, he’s a maniac!” She exclaimed.

“Yes...but if we play along….”

“Oh my god, you’re actually considering this. You would happily wear diapers wouldn’t you?”

“You know what?” I said and stood up, confident “Yes, I will wear diapers. The benefits of this deal far outweigh the negatives. You’ll see, I promise you” and I held out my hand to her. She stared at it, a million thoughts racing through her head at a time. “All that matters, is were together”

She looked me in the eyes, then at the diaper on the table, then my hand. She took it and stood up. 


I smiled and hugged her, with excitement starting to swell inside me. I couldn’t explain it, but even though there was severe manipulation and blackmail involved in this sorority, I was excited to be here, regardless of diapers.

“Well” she said, “lay down, we better get into these diapers, sister.”


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