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 I woke up cold and uncomfortable. My vision was fuzzy and my mind exhausted, but I managed to lift myself up slightly.  I had been sleeping on a hard concrete floor, in a dark room I was struggling to recognize. In a panic, I tried to stand up, only to find my legs and hands were restrained. Blood rushed from my head and I felt like fainting, I had been taken.

While straining to recall the last moments before my sleep, I heard movement from the other side of the room. There was a groan in a tone that I recognized, so I called out to it. 

“Hello? Is someone there?” I tried to move as close as i could to the sound as my restraints would let me. “Hello?”

“Ca….Casey?” The voice struggled to get out, but she spoke my name and after that, I knew who it was.

“Oh my god, Yara, yeah it’s me I’m here” 

“Casey...I can’t move” She was very weak, and I could only make out a slight outline of her but I could see her try to make herself upright. 

“We’re chained up Yara, I don’t know why and I don’t know where, but I’m here okay?” I went straight into my protective mindset. I was a few years older than Yara, her being 18 and me 23, but we had been friends for a while and I was always protective of her. I could tell she was in rough shape and on the verge of a panic attack, so I tried to get her to relax. 

“Just breath okay, we’re going to be okay, we’ll be okay”

“Casey...someone kidnapped us didn’t they...oh my god, oh my god…” And in an instant, she started screaming and crying. I didn’t want her to make so much of a scene until we knew the circumstances of our capture, but I couldn’t bring her down, and I was screaming on the inside anyways. 

While she screamed and cried, there was a booming of footsteps above us and then closer, as if it was coming down a set of stairs straight for us. The footsteps stopped right in front of the door, and there was a jingling of keys and fussing with locks. Yara stopped screaming and instead opted for quiet panic, which I accepted as well. After what sounded like 3 locks were unhinged, the door swung open and there stood a dark figure, silhouetted in the light of the room they just came from.

They turned on the lights, it was a man. A fit, somewhat handsome younger man with a bruting face. 

“Gavin?” Yara asked the man, as if she was surprised to see him. “Are you serious? Let us go!”

“Shut up Yara” he spat. 

“Yara who is this?” I asked, and finally had a clear look at her. She was much more restrained than I was; while I only had my hands and legs cuffed and chained, she had on a straight jacket and had her legs tied together in a way that left them permanently straight.

“This is that creep I was dating last month, I dumped him because he wanted me to do some weird shit. When I refused he got really shitty and aggressive, so I just left” Yara explained. Gavin scowled more.

“Weird shit? I was so kind to you, I opened myself up to you like I had to no one else, and you had to go and leave everything we had, tell my friends about the things I told you in confidence, and then-” 

“Oh give me a break Gavin, you were a nice guy but...too nice, we were together for barely a month so what are you talking about ‘everything we had’, all we had was a few average dates and some mediocre sex.”

There was a stillness in the room, and after a few seconds Gavin left the room briefly and came back with a gag for Yara. She tried to fight him when he was putting it on, but she could hardly move. All that could be heard from her after was some high pitched humming.

“Now, you’re probably wondering why I have you both here” He said more calmly.

“Are you going to let us go? You know my father is a police officer and her will find you and I cant promise he’ll be nice when he does.” I shouted.

“Do I need a gag for you too?!” He snapped. I shut up. 

“I explained what I wanted to Yara when we were together...she left me and told all my friends. So now, I’m going to force it onto you. Yara was the main target, but I was hard to get her alone… so you will be joining us on this adventure...Cassidy?”

“It’s Casey.”

“Right. Well, Casey, you are about to become my test subjects in an experiment” Yara started to get more and more frantic with her movement and whining. 

“What kind of experiment?” I asked nervously. He laughed. 

“You’ll have to see for yourself.” He stared at me and smiled, then left the room.

Yara struggled and cried, trying to tell me something but I couldn’t understand. Eventually she got tired and laid still. 

Hours went by and I started to feel the urge to pee. I could tell Yara did as well as she squirmed in her straitjacket. For some reason this made her really angry, as if needing to pee was the worst of all of it. It wasn’t until I started to get really desperate that I considered how I was going to relieve myself. I tried calling out to Gavin.

“Hey asshole! Come down here I need to pee! Please!”...nothing. Just silent. No footsteps or any returned call, just silence. The silence was softly broken by a hissing and dripping sound from Yara’s side of the room.

I looked over to see a puddle forming around her, a trickling stream leaking out the back of her pants. She sniffled and cried, and I looked over to her, feeling sorry. However I realized that was soon to be me if I didn’t figure something out. Looking around the room I could see a bucket by the door, which could just be in reach to go in. I started to move towards it, but was quickly pulled short by my restraints. Desperate and determined, I laid on my back and swung my legs out towards the bucket. 

The handle was just out of my toes reach when I was fully extended, and after swinging around for a minute, I accepted it was no use. I brought myself back to an upright position and struggled more with my pee. My bladder was bulging and tight against the waistband of my jeans; my legs were shaking. In a last stitch effort, I tried pulling down my pants to a least spare them from getting wet. My hands were tied behind my back, but I could reach my waistband with a few fingers and tried to pull. 

Every muscle in my body was in use, trying to keep my pee from staining my jeans and trying to tug my pants down. I kept tugging and tugging, but they were too tight. They were staying on. Gasping, I looked over to Yara who had been watching me. She looked at me with sad eyes, and nodded. 

I knew what she meant. I was going to wet myself no matter what. With one long, deep breath, I exhaled and relaxed my whole body. 

Piss erupted into my jeans with a vengeance. It was hot, fast, and very, very wet. The hissing sound that was just heard from Yara could now be heard from my own crotch, and I held back tears as I watched the wetness spread across my legs. I hadn’t felt the warmth of wet pants since childhood, and i was instantly regressed to that point. 

As soon as every drop had voided me, Gavin swung open the door almost on cue. He was holding in his hands a bottle of baby powder, and two large white squares.  

“Did my poor baby girls have accidents? Oh no...I guess you need these diapers after all!” He spoke as if playing a character. Diapers? He can’t be serious. But as I watched him remove some of the restraints from Yara, and her willingness...or more so giving into him diapering her, I realized this is what he wanted from us. 

He finished with her and left her restrained similar to me, then came over to me. 

“Now, are you ready to become the baby you were meant to be Casey?”


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