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After our exciting chat with Brittany, June and I went off to the side and stripped out of the diapers. The heavy thud of the thick mound of wet, piss stained padding could be heard over the loud music they had playing, and once they were off June and I both sighed in relief. 

“I almost forgot what it was like just wearing panties” June said with an exhausted, drunken laugh. 

“I know right, I’m just a little annoyed I didn't take off my panties before putting them all on. They’re soaked now!” I said while looking down at my crotch. June did the same to herself and noticed how wet her panties had become as well. The diapers did all the work but our panties kept the evidence. We pulled our pants back over the wet panties, letting them saturated through and make our pants appear a little damp. We were honestly too drunk to notice though. 

We stumbled home, cheering and laughing about our victory over the other girls. A few girls gave us stern looks on the way out, but we just smiled back. 

“I can’t believe we're going to be Alpha Beta!” I said.

“Oh my god I know, this is probably the best thing that’s happened to me in a while” June replied, her words slurring together. 

“Like these girls...they aren’t just popular, they all have 4.0 GPA’s, and from what I understand the sorority house like pays you a monthly wage so you can focus on your studies instead of working.”

“That’s what I heard too, they must have some crazy tutoring service in there”

“Yeah” I replied “Or maybe something else is going on that we don’t know yet” I questioned and laughed at my thought.

“What do you mean?” June asked.

I just turned to her, put my hands in front of my face and poked my tongue into my cheek to make it look like I was sucking a dick. 

“Oh Amy!” June laughed with me “Don’t be silly”

“Hey you never know” I said “I heard they were close with the dean!”

June just shook her head and with that, we arrive at our dorm. We both decided it was best just to sleep off the alcohol and hope to be sober before we needed to leave for our meeting tonight with Alpha Beta. My heavy head hit the pillow and before I could even think to change out of my piss-soaked panties, I fell fast asleep.


I woke up to a light shaking from June. It was 10:45pm, and she wanted to make sure I got up so I had enough time to get ready for the big night. My head was pounding but I rolled out of bed and had a shower. The water was so nice, cleansing all the stuck on sweat and pee I had left on me from the event. Once I was out, I dried off and started figuring out what to wear. 

I put on a nice sundress which was nice for a semi-formal sort of style, and grabbed a leftover chicken sandwich I had in the fridge for my dinner.

Nervous and hungover, June and I left our dorm and walked over to the sorority house. We didn’t talk much, both in quiet anticipation of the night to come...and also both nursing heavy headaches. The walk was pleasant though, the air was cool but not cold and felt nice to get a good dose of fresh air before tonight. 

When we found ourselves at the door of the sorority house, it looked like no one was home. There was not a single light on, and we stood just looking at it confused for a few seconds. As soon as we took a few more steps forward, the door swung open and an Alpha Beta girl was on the other side, holding a candle. She was wearing a shirt with a big “AB” on the front, and a long flowy black skirt. 

“Welcome Amy, Welcome June. I am Jessica and I will be your guide to the ceremony” The girl said. June and I looked at each other, nervous and excited, and then followed Jessica. 

Once inside, there were more girls wearing the same outfit as Jessica, all holding a candle. They were standing in a line, each of them saying “Welcome” as we walked by. It was a bit strange, but nice to feel so welcomed. 

We traveled down a flight of stairs until we reached a door and then stopped. Jessica turned to us and spoke. “This is where I will leave you. The next time I see you, you will be my sister.” With that, she turned and left us to go back up the stairs. Her candle was the only light illuminating where we were stood, so once she was gone we stood in utter blackness. 

It was dead quiet. Our breathing was loud and each move we made could be heard, but we couldn’t even see each other. For at least a minute, we stood there in the darkness by this door, just waiting for something to happen.

Eventually, the door swung open. It was Brittany. 

“Welcome ladies, to your initiation” She spoke proudly, and lead us inside. It was a small room, with only a table and a few chairs in it. On the table was two papers and a pen next to each. June and I walked in slowly towards the table following Brittany.

“Have a seat” She said, and we did as she demanded. “So. Amy, June, welcome to you official AB initiation ceremony. Tonight, you will become one of us, a sister and an AB for life. I am going to go through the rules, and when I ask you if you agree, you must say ‘I do’ and sign the pages in front of you. Every time you say ‘I do’, you will sign a page. Understood?” 

We both nodded in response. 

“Good. Those papers are your official AB contract, and are legally binding just so you know. So the first rule is Privacy and Agreement to secrecy. Do you, Amy and June agree to hold all secrets of the sorority, its members, and any and all ongoings within the sorority until you die or accept the legal ramifications?”

June and I were getting nervous. This was a little over the top for a sorority, but it was there customs so…

“I do” We both said, and signed the paper.

“Good. Do you, Amy and June, agree to participate and any and all activities of the sorority during your entire time at the school, and understand that you are expected to attend all classes unless physically unable, and that you are expected to maintain certain grade standards?”

“I do” Another signature.

“Do you, Amy and June agree to be an AB for life, whatever it means or entails?”

“I do” and with that, we signed the last signature. I noticed there was quite a lot of fine text on the pages, way more than she went over in her sentences, but I’m sure it was just legal jibber jabber.

“Then Amy and June, you are officially AB’s!” Brittany smiled and June and I did as well, hugging each other. Brittany took our contracts and locked them in a suitcase. 

“Now, I’ll get into the better details” Brittany said almost smugly. “As AB’s we have many benefits. You will be paid bi-weekly a wage that is higher than any minimum wage bullshit job you could get around here, just for being AB. You will also have your tuition covered, just for being an AB, and the best part is your grades. We want you to maintain a good GPA and attend every class but out marks have a tendency to...round up lets say. You’ll notice that soon enough.”

I could’ve screamed in excitement. “How?” I asked. 

“It’s all part of our obligations to the dean” She replied, which drew confusion out of me and June. 

“What...obligations?” June asked. 

Brittany paused and turned to us. She slowly reached to the waistband of her skirt, and pulled it off in a swift motion. Underneath she was wearing a thick, white and slightly yellow adult diaper. June and I looked at her confused, and worried. 

“To the rest of the school, AB means Alpha Beta. To us, it means Adult Baby” Brittany explained. My mouth hit the floor, what was she talking about? And what did I just sign…


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