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He stood there with arms spread, looking like a prophet about to spread his good word. In many ways he was a prophet, but in more ways….he was a god. 

The fact that we stumbled upon him in the first place was a lottery win like chance, but yet here we were. My sister Maggie, boyfriend Josh and I (Paige) could barely believe our eyes. His name was Vigo, and he was the Gifter.

“Gather close children, and I shall bestow onto you all great gifts. Gifts of power, of fame, of wealth, whatever you please...however you must know, each gift has Its cost.” The Gifter spoke with an unnatural echo in his voice, so powerful just so smooth. We all stood in awe and were compelled to come closer to him. He turned to my sister.

“So what will it be for you my love, fame? Fortune? Incredible powers?” He asked.

“F-Fortune, your excellency” Maggie stumbled out. 

“And you accept the cost, whatever it shall be?”

“I do”

“Then you are Gifted” The godly man swung his arm and Maggie was gone into a sparkling dust. He turned to Josh. “And for you my son?”

“Power.” Josh spat out confidently. 

“And you accept the-”

“Yes obviously” Josh cut him off, the Gifter looked disgusted.

“Then you are Gifted” he swung his hand and Josh disappeared. It was my turn.

“My sweet girl, what will it be for you?”

I pondered on it. Powers would be cool but the Gifter has been known to give some strange twisted powers sometimes, fortune would be nice but couldn't fortune come with fame?

“Fame” I decided on, he smiled.

“And you accept the cost, whatever it shall be?”

“I do.”

“Then you are Gifted” and with that, he swung his hand and I blacked out.

I woke up in my bed in what must’ve been the next day. Sleepy eyed and slightly nauseated, I stretched for my phone and saw it had been blowing up overnight. Mentions and likes and follows and everything, I was actually famous! Quickly I came to my senses and woke up fully in glee, until I heard a loud crinkle from below my butt.

Then, I tried to close my legs...and they couldn’t quite close. Something was blocking them...something big. 

Slowly I pulled up the covers and saw what the cost of my fame was. 

Big. Thick. Crinkly. Diapers. 

I put my hands to them in a rush, and noticed something else. 

Big. Thick. Crinkly. WET. Diapers. 

The thought finally dawned on me. Yes i’m famous, but WHY am I famous? If diapers were the cost, what is my fame? I grabbed my phone and brought up Instagram. Just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse, my stomach dropped and my face went pale. 

“Oh my god…” I whispered.

My Instagram was not how I left it, in fact it had been completely redone. All new pictures I don’t remember taking. I was some sort of model...but not any normal kind. 

I was a diaper model.

I stared at the pictures longer than I probably should have. In almost every picture, I had on these thick, colorful adult diapers. The only pictures that didn’t feature me in diapers were pictures of me in wet or messy pants...sometimes wet AND messy pants. Captions for those photos were to the tune of “This is why I always wear, show some self care girls” or “Lulu pants without Lulu diapers are a LoseLose, follow my link in my bio for 25% off your first case of Lulu flexifit Yoga Diapers!”

I couldn’t move. The world when silent, until all of a sudden someone barged into my room.

“Wakey Wakey sweet cheeks you need a change and a freshen up we have the big Gucci launch today so we need you looking fine.” He walked in with a confidence, like he’d done it a hundred times. Slim, well dress and pretty flamboyant, he walked into my closet and pulled out a black and gold square of padding.

“What’s that? Who are you?” I asked shyly. 

He turned and his face lit up.

“Oh my god. Is it the day? Did you just wake up?” He asked excitedly.

“Um...yeah I’m a little confused by what’s going on” The man strutted over and sat on my bedside. 

“Sweetheart. I'm Joel, You’re Paige.”

“I remember my own name, why am I in diapers?” I questioned.

“You said you might say that” Joel said.


“Listen honey. The Gifter doesn’t change your world, he just moves you into a new one.” I gave him a face that let him no I was only more confused than before he started talking. “Okay, this reality was built from the ground up by the Gifter for the soul purpose of giving you your gift, so when you finally encountered him and asked, you were sent here to wake on the day after you wished.”

I blinked. Was he talking about...another reality?

“I can tell you’re still confused but just don’t worry about the science of it, we’ll have lots of time to discuss that later. Right now we need to discuss whose life you just took over. 


“So in this world, there is nothing more fashionable that diapers, meaning those who are completely incontinent are actually famous. They inspire tones of people worldwide to dress like them, wear the same diaper brands as them, etc. You are one of the most famous Incontinent’s in the WORLD Paige.”

“So...I’m incontinent...and famous for it?”

“Damn right girl, now we need to get you in these Gucci pads or else someone is going to be dry when we get to the party”

It was a lot to take in, and as I was trying to fully comprehend what Joel just unloaded on me, I felt a grumbling in my tummy...and an unloading in my pants. Joel smiled as he heard the loud crinkling and shifting of the padding as a large mess filled into the back of my already wet diaper. It was the oddest feeling but at the same time, really comforting. 

All of a sudden my but got cold and I jolted upright. Joel laughed.

“Not used to the rapid stool solver in the diapers, it’s weird the first time. It just makes it easier for the mess to me collected, you don’t even need to wipe.”

“Whoa really?” I said, genuinely impressed. 

“Yeah, with diapers being the biggest trend around here there are always cool new features coming out for them. These Gucci ones are built to not only last all day, but expand five times the amount of a normal diaper”

“Why would you want it to expand more? Won’t people see?”

“Oh honey” Joel said playfully “You want people to see.”


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