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I quickly unfolded the massive adult diaper and fumbled around with it to get it properly oriented. From my peripheral I could tell other girls were doing the same, but the rush of adrenaline and stress of the competition made my coordination all the worse. Finally I sorted out which way to lay it out, and promptly told June to lift her butt. She thrust her hips in the air so fast she almost left the ground, and I slid the clunky and thick padded underwear underneath her. The rest of the process was simple, I had babysat I diapered babies before so I wasn't too much different to diapering my best friend, but the added size to the whole thing made it a lot more awkward to work with. 

Some other girls started crawling down the track ahead of us, and I tapped down the last tab onto June. 

“Okay go go go!!!” I cheered her and slapped her padded ass as she left into the race. The ridiculous of it made me laugh, watching my friend crawl like an infant in a big puffy diaper. June was athletic and managed to actually catch up with the girls ahead of us, pretty much arriving at the same time as them to the drinking station. Surprisingly, there were still some girls laying down trying to diaper their partner, and I caught a glimpse of Brittany rolling her eyes at them. 

June sucked hard on the nipple of the baby bottle, desperately trying to get all the liquid out of it faster then our opponents. It was clearly easier for her to suck back fast through a baby bottle instead of having to chug back water like she did the other day. She managed to finish at the same time as the girl that arrived first, threw herself back down on her hands and knees and raced back to me. When she was about halfway, I saw the other pairs partner lying down on her back with a diaper in hand ready to pass off to partner, so I quickly did the same. 

In a frenzy June got back to the start and snatched the diaper out of my hand. I spread my legs wide giving her a great view of my lacy panties, and she fumbled with the diaper same as I did. 

“Those drinks don’t seem very strong by the way” June commented through her frustration with the diaper “I don’t think you’ll even notice it.” 

I nodded in acknowledgement and told her how to unfold and position the diaper; after that she had It on me in no time. 

Once I was tightly padded (maybe a little too tightly) I hurried off crawling to the drinks, paying no attention to the other girls around me. It was a strange feeling having a diaper on, a feeling I haven't felt since I was a young girl. Truth be told, I was a little late to potty training and I think my bladder has always been a bit touchy; I wet the bed until I was 16 and even after then wet occasionally when stressed. So while I probably have more diaper-wearing experience than these other girls, these thick adult diapers were massive compared to the pull-up’s I would wear for bedwetting. 

When I got to the end I brought myself to my feet and grabbed a baby bottle, then started so suck back. With a bit of surprise, I didn’t taste the alcohol...which could be a good thing or a bad thing. The good reason being they made a weak drink, the bad reason being it was one of those drinks where I was pretty strong but you couldn’t really taste it. Either way, I suckled back on the nipple and squeezed the bottle to get as much out as quickly as I could. 

After the last drops were gone I was back on my knees and hurling myself back towards June, who was in the ready position to be diapered. My cheeks were strained a little from the constant hand sucking I just did, but there was no time for pain, only for victory. 

June and I quickly mastered the art of diapering and bottle drinking. Once we were in a rhythm, there was nothing anyone could do to stop us. We had been friends since Grade 1 and we communicated so well even without words that we almost acted like one person in two bodies. There were only a few differences between us that were relevant to this competition and they were:

  1. I was a lightweight, June was not
  2. I had a tiny, hyperactive bladder, June did not.

About halfway through the competition, those differences really started to show. June and I both had six diapers on, which was really bulky and awkward already, yet we still had to double that to finish and win. Now not only was the bulk weighing us down, but my inability to handle alcohol was starting to show. I was giggling and fumbling more with the diaper changes then I had at the start, and June, even though she was also starting to get a buzz going, was getting frustrated. 

“Oh my god Amy come on, you’ve done this so many times already were going to lose our lead!” June said.

“Oh stop it you” I slurred and giggled “We’re fine I’m fine I got this.”

June rolled her eyes and I tapped the seventh diaper on her. She headed out and I watched her diapered butt waddle back and forth down the lane, giggling some more. I sank onto my padded butt, the diaper almost acting like a massive cushion, when all of a sudden I felt a serious pain from my bladder, and I buckled over. 

I winced and made a call out in pain, to which both June, who was sucking back her seventh drink, and Brittany took notice too. Brittany walked over to me quickly.

“Are you okay Amy?” she asked with genuine concern. 

“Yeah…” I mumbled “I just….I just really need to pee.’

Brittany smiled. “Well, don’t let that stop you, you are wearing diapers after all. Isn’t that what they’re meant for?” She turned and walked away. I was confused, concerned, and considering what she just said. As I had said I was a lightweight and had an active bladder, well my bladder on alcohol was much much worse.

“Amy get ready!” I head June call as she was crawling back to me. I frantically laid back down, grabbed a diaper and spread my legs. The pressure got stronger and stronger and I knew It wasn't long before I lost control. June struggled with the diaper and I could tell that seventh drink had gotten to her. I wiggled my butt and bit my lip, clenching as hard as I could to fight off the coming tsunami of piss. As I struggled, I looked up to our pile of diapers. I had so many left, and so many on...then I thought about what Brittany said. ‘Isn’t that what they’re meant for?’.

As if someone flipped a switch inside me, I relaxed, and let go. The strong hiss of pee was muffled by the sheer amount of padding I had on, but by the relief and relaxed look on my face, June knew what was happening. 

“Oh my god. You’re peeing aren't you.” She said, annoyed. 

“It feels so nice June, so warm, you should try it” I replied with a drunken smile. It did feel good, It was as if I had a warm water bottle between my legs and it was hugging my crotch. I peed a lot too, so much so I was worried the diapers would leak. My old nighttime diapers would not have been able to handle this much, but I had six diapers on, there was no such thing as leaks with that. 

“Just lift your bum” June replied, annoyed. 

I obliged and was promptly put in my seventh diaper. My diaper had definitely expanded loads, as even with another diaper on it felt way bigger than it once had. As I made my way down the track, I looked around and saw other girls starting to wiggle around in need of the potty. I smirked and waddled faster, as if my diaper wetting had given me a new lease on life. 

When I got to the table and started sucking on the bottle, I looked down to June, who had her hand on her crotch and was started to shift back and forth on her knees. I smiled, she needed to pee, and I was going to make her. 


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