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"I can’t believe this Cindy. This is the third weekend in a row your mother and I have had to stay up late, frantic and worried something’s happened to you” Nick scolded his daughter, 18 year old Cindy. It was 3:00am on Sunday morning and Cindy had rolled in, completely wasted and with hickeys all over her neck. She was dressed with as much skin showing as possible, and she didn’t appear to give a shit about what her father was saying to her. 

“We don’t know if you are safe, have a ride home, who you’re with, anything. This is completely unacceptable behavior” Heather, Cindy’s mother said to contribute to the scolding. 

“Yeah yeah whatever” Cindy slurred, “I’m here, now just let me use the toilet and go to bed.”

“You think you can just brush by this? Really? Your mother and I are seriously concerned about you Cindy! You come home trashed, you’re out late every weekend not to mention several week nights. Not to mention your grades are dropping and your professors don’t seem to know who you are as I’m not sure you have even shown up to class!” Nick raised his voice without getting loud enough to be heard by neighbors, even though it was probably loud enough to wake up his other daughter, Carly who was sleeping the next room over.

“You’ve been looking at my grades? How? I don’t share that with you” Cindy replied and staggered, leaning against the wall to stabilize herself as she brought her hands to her crotch. She really had to pee. 

“We called the university after I ran into your old friend Kristen at the mall. She said she hasn’t seen you at school for a while, was worried too.”

“Whatever, all that stuff is beneath me anyways. I’m living my best life, being free and alive and...and...uh oh” Cindy mumbled as she looked down to the hand she had in her crotch. Pee started flowing out around her hand and soaking the short jean shorts she had on. Her mother and father watched the scene in shame and disgust, and Heather quickly grabbed a towel once she noticed a puddle forming around Cindy’s feet. 

“You are in big trouble miss, and from now on we aren’t going to be so easy going with you. We thought we could trust you to make good decisions but we can’t. Look at yourself. What kind of example are you setting for your little sister huh? Get cleaned up, and get to bed. We’ll discuss your punishment in the morning” Her father's voice dropped to a numb, emotionless tone. He really couldn’t stand her behavior, and wondered what he had done as a father to deserve this.

Cindy stumbled passed her parents and slammed the door to her room, not even bothering to shower or clean herself off after her accident. She got into her room, stripped to her dripping underwear, fell into bed, and into a deep sleep. 

Nick sat up at the kitchen table looking at his computer for ideas for fair punishment. He thought about a curfew but she would break that, thought about controlling her bank account but she didn’t really have much money to control. All the money she earned was from occasionally babysitting and manipulated boys to buy her drinks all the time. After a few unsuccessful minutes, his wife stepped quietly into the room and rested her hand on his shoulder. He put his hand on it and kissed her fingertips, clearly exhausted. 

“Come to bed sweetie” Heather suggested. 

“I will. I just...I feel humiliated you know? Like I have failed the fathering test” he sighed. Heather bent over and kissed his cheek. 

“You don’t have anything to be worried about Nick. I know you’re a great father, and Carly knows it too. This is just a phase. She’ll get passed it.” She gave Nick another kiss and started heading back to the bedroom. Before she got too far, she turned around and said “And don’t be humiliated, if anything she’s the one humiliating herself aha.” They both had a soft chuckle and Heather went to bed. 

“Humiliating herself….” Nick got an idea, and frantically he started typing. 


That morning Cindy woke up hungover, and confused as to why her room and her bed smelt like piss. When she finally realized it was her panties and saw the soaked pair of pants on the floor, she rolled her eyes back and gave an exasperated huff. After only a moment, her phone started buzzing with texts. She picked up the phone to look.

Jared: ETA 5 Minutes, be ready for the best breakfast of your life.

Cindy noticed the message was sent 5 minutes ago, and quickly got out of bed, threw on a pair of grey leggings on top of the dried pissed panties and pulled over a t-shirt, no bra. Cindy left her room and headed for the door, blowing right passed her mother making breakfast. 

“Cindy!” Heather called for her in annoyance, but she was already out the door.

“Don’t worry hun. She’ll be back soon enough” Nick said behind his morning coffee with a smile. 

Jared was a 25 year old high school drop who Cindy met at a bar a few weeks ago. He was what most parents would call a “bad influence” and spent most of his time hanging around shady people drinking and doing drugs. Cindy was smitten for his rugged charm and bad boy attitude, and wanted to be everything he wanted. She hopped in his rusted pickup truck and went in for a passionate kiss. Jared smiled and they sped off, leaving a tire track burnt into the families driveway. 

Cindy let her hair blow in the wind as Jared sped through the streets blasting angry rap music. Jared looked over to her and took notice of her lack of bra, and reached over his hand. Slowly he let his fingers crawl up the side of her torso under her shirt, reaching for his prize while his eyes stayed on the road. Cindy didn’t have the patients for teasing, so she grabbed his wrist and placed it firmly on her perky breast. He smiled, and Cindy bit her lip as she took notice of the  bulge in his pants growing. 

She reached over to his cock and started to stroke it over his pants, and Jared slowly moved his hands from under Cindy’s shirt to under her waistband. His hands traveled down further and further until he found something wet….very wet. Just as he was about to put his finger inside her, he felt a hot stream of liquid flow onto his hand. He quickly jerked his hand back and swerved the car.

“What the fuck!?” He yelled, angry. Cindy just looked at him, confused and irritated she wasn’t getting what she wanted. 

“What? What’s wrong?” She asked.

“You’re fucking pissing yourself in my car!”

“What?? No I’m not I’m just wet, I’m horny.”

“Oh my god it’s all over my seats you bitch!” 

Cindy was fuming with anger, until she looked down. Her pants were soaked, and not just from being excited. She had pissed herself completely. 

The worst had yet to come though, as suddenly she felt herself lift off the seat an inch and felt the spreading of a warm sticky mess under her bum. Cindy’s cheeks flushed red and prayed Jared didn’t notice…

“Oh my god it stinks, did you shit yourself too??”

Jared turned around the car quickly in disgust  and took her home; when they got back he practically pushed her out and told her not to call him. She flipped him off and then looked towards the front door. She was embarrassed surely, and also quite confused. How could she have wet and messed herself without realizing? It just didn’t make sense. If she was drunk sure but sober? Hmm.

She decided to suck it up and stop standing out in the open in wet pants and the giant mess sagging in the back of her pants, so she headed to the door and snuck in. Hoping to not gain any attention, she opened and closed the door as quietly as possible and tiptoed to her room. To her dismay, her father was waiting. 

“Cindy! That was a quick breakfast” He said cheerily.

“Yeah,” she replied with annoyance “I had an….um….I had an accident so I came back home.”

She started walking to the shower when her father spoke up again. 

“Oh, that was no accident.”

Cindy stopped in her tracks. Her legs were getting cold and clammy under her wet leggings, but not even that felt worse that the implications of what her father just said. She slowly turned around. 

“What is that supposed to mean…”

Nick got off his chair and approached his daughter, backing her into a wall. He towered over her at 6”5 to her 5”8, and she averted her eyes from his gaze which had gone from joyful to angry in mere seconds. Heather stood at a distance, watching nervously. 

“What it means is I have put you into a position to which you can see that your actions have consequences. Apparently you aren't able to see what effect you have on other peoples, so I figured why not make it so the effect is also on yourself.  For too long you have disrespected your mother and I and now you will pay the price.” 

“Dad...what did you do to me?” Cindy was scared, and nearly in tears. 

“I have put onto you a hypnotic suggestion. Turns out in your deep drunken sleep it worked very effectively. The implications of this are that any time you feel excited, not all excitement but sexual excitement or excitement from wrongdoing you will lose all control of your bathroom functions. So that means no boys, and no stealing or rebelling without going pee-pee or poo-poo in your pants.”

“Dad you can’t do that that’s not fair!”

“Oh I’m not finished. The effects also activating when you’re under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Those are likely the worst of it, as you can't get drunk without becoming effectively incontinent.”

Cindy started panicking and crying. She looked to her mother for support, but she was on Nick’s side for this. Nick continued.

“From now on, you will to what we say when we say it. You will have a curfew of 8pm no exceptions. You will go to school. You will maintain a strong GPA of at least 3.5, and finally, you will get a part-time job for the weekends. If you can’t follow these instructions, then I have further hypnosis tapes at the ready to render you completely incontinent whenever I want to. However if you are good, well we will allow you one night every two weeks to stay out beyond curfew as long as you remain diapered the entire time. Understood?”

“Diapered? Why do I have to be diapered?”

Well your brain doesn’t know when you’re being rewarded, the first sip of a drink will have you pissing your pants in no time. If you want to go out with friends, you’ll need protection.”

Cindy collapsed to the ground, squishing the mess in the back of her pants further around, and wept. Her mother came over and put her hand on her shoulder. 

“It’s for your own good sweetheart.”

Cindy looked down at her ruined pants and knew it was all real. She thought about if she could do what they asked, and there was only one answer: she had to, otherwise she’ll be seeing and smelling her pants like this a lot more often.


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