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The afternoon came and I practically dragged June to the next event. She was hesitant still, clearly not really willing to put up a fight for a spot, but I was ready to go to war for my friend if need be. I walked up to the Alpha Beta sorority house and knocked on the door. 

“Amy I should go...I feel awkward” June said shyly.

“Stop that, we’re going in together or not at all” I replied confidently. We stood by the door for a few seconds before Brittany came down and opened the door. 

“Amy! Welcome!” Brittany said excitedly and gave me a hug. When she reached over to hug me, she saw June and her tone changed. 

“June!” She said with fake enthusiasm. “Did you get our email?”

“Oh she got the email” I was prepared for this “how come she won the whole competition fair and square and she got no invite? I know there are other elements to being selected but come on. At least give the clear winner of yesterday a chance to come back.”

Brittany stood in silent thought for a minute, I continued. 

“Look, she has way more right to be here than me, but if you give both of us a chance today you’ll see we have what it takes to be Alpha Beta girls. You can even hold us both to a higher scrutiny, we’ll prove ourselves. I promise.”

I could tell she was considering it, but then she spoke. 

“One moment please.” She quickly slipped back into the house and closed the door. June and I stood awkwardly for a few minutes in silence before she came back and swung the door open. 

“Okay. You’re both in. But we’re watching you both closely” Our faces brightened up and I hugged June.

“Thank you so much Brittany, I promise you won’t regret this” I said through a smile. She smiled back, and with a wink, motioned us inside. With Junes hand in mine I sprung through the door, eager to see what today's challenge was. 

It looked like most of the girls were in there already, and we looked around to see the remaining competition. There were a few girls we knew were going to be tough to compete with in any competition, and we knew we had to win. It was thin ice we were on, and we needed to show we were worthy. 

After a short while Brittany stepped up in front of everyone, and announce the competition. 

“Hello girls and welcome to day two of Alpha Beta pledge trials” everyone clapped and cheered. “Today’s competition is done in pairs” There was murmuring and immediately June and I clung to each other. “If you do not have a partner in mind one will be randomly selected for you. However I have some rather unfortunate and awkward news.” Everyone's tone died down and concern washed over everyone's face. “It appears we have made a mistake with the selection leading to an uneven number of girls, meaning we have to send someone home right now.” 

June and I looked at each other. This was our fault no doubt, but none of the pledges would know that...right?

“So I do sincerely apologize but Jessica Royce, I’m sorry sweetie but this is the end for you” We all stood there stunned, what a way to ruin someone's day. Brittany looked over to June and I and we made eye contact. She wanted us to know this was our fault. I felt really bad but at the same time, I needed to fight for my friend. The girl Jessica just stormed out, not a word, and after a minute of silence, the festivities continued.

“So If we could all partner up and head outside for out next competition!” Brittany said in a way that completely changed the tone of the room. June and I looked at each other uncomfortably and a bit upset. We didn’t mean to ruin it for someone, but we couldn't worry anymore, we just had to focus on the next task. There was about eight pairs of girls including June and myself and there were eight stretches of foam mats stretching across the lawn, tables on both ends of each stretch. Brittany continued.

“This competition is called the Babygirl Relay Race!” She announced “You and your partner will need to work together to be the fastest pair to finish. Here are the rules. Before it starts, everyone will be stripping their pants. Panties and tops only. Then, pick who will be going first; the person going first will start by lying on their back. When I say go, one partner has to put the partner going first in these adult diapers. There is NO diapering of yourself, the only that can put a diaper on you is your partner. Once you are diapered, you will crawl on your hands and knees like a baby from one end to the other, finish the drink out of the bottle, and crawl back. When you get back, you then have to diaper your partner before they can crawl, drink, and crawl back. This diaper, crawl, drink, crawl, diaper, will continue until both packages of adult diapers are gone, and all the drinks on the table are empty. This all means that by the end of your competition each girl should have on twelve diapers and have drank twelve drinks. Now these diapers are thick and the drinks are alcoholic so hopefully you girls can handle your liquor.” 

We were all smiling at the absolute absurdity of the competition, but at the same time everyone seemed really eager to get started. 

“Weird theme going on with these competitions don’t you think?” June whispered to me, and I just shrugged it off. “Do you want to be diapered first or second?”

“Well, if there’s one thing I know for sure is you can handle your booze way better than I can, so maybe I should go second as that last drink wont have as long to hit me ahaha” I said nervously. That was the one part of the competition that was concerning me, the alcohol. I loved to party and drink but I was a lightweight, no two ways around it. Maybe the adrenaline and activity will help, but I wasn't holding out hope. Just had to do my best.

All the girls stripped their pants and got into positions. I started on my knees with a diaper looking down at June, legs spread in her spotted cotton panties. Every second we waited to start made it more and more awkward, and June and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“These are some thick-ass diapers man” I said, amazed.

“Yeah right? Like how are we going to get twelve on oh my god” June replied “Hey at least If you need to pee this time you’ll have protection right?” We both laughed.

“Alright pledges!” Brittany started the call “Babygirl Relay starts in 5...4…..3…...2…...1….Go!”


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