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My names Jamie, and I’m incontinent. I’ve had to wear diapers every day since I was 17  due to a car accident which damaged the way my brain communicates to my bladder and bowels. The doctor said it could’ve been worse, that I could’ve been paralyzed or killed, so I’ll take diapers over death any day. 

That didn’t make it any easier though. Once I was out of the hospital and back in school, it wasn’t long before my towel dropped in gym class and all the girls knew my secret. The word spread like wildfire and before I knew it I was at the butt-end of many “baby” jokes. “Oh does baby need her diapee changed?”, “I bet you’re peeing in your diaper right now, I thought I was in high school not kindergarten”, and more and more. It was horrifying. 

I very much considered switching schools but since I was in my last year, I thought I could see it through. So I stayed, and I hated every minute of it. 

Now it’s the last week of class before exams, and my 18th birthday. Since I was pretty much the laughing stock of the school I didn’t have many friends. It wasn’t cool to be friends with the baby bitch, so instead I would spend most of my day with my head down between headphones. No friends also meant no one to come to a birthday party, but at this point I wasn’t too bothered. It was just another birthday.

“Hey Baby Butt!” I heard a voice call out over my music. All I could do was keep walking, but I knew that wasn't enough. She was going to stop me. 

“Come back!” She called again, and the ran in front of me. Yara. She was the typical high school cheerleader archetype to a tee. Pretty, rich family, football boyfriend, entourage of ‘friends’ following her around, and cold as an arctic winter. I tried to keep walking but she stopped me with a hand held out, and pulled out my headphones. 

“Having a good day so far little baby?” she asked, and waited for a response I wouldn’t give. “Well it looks like you’ve had a bit of a wet morning, so you might want to check the back of your pants…” She laughed and strutted away with her posse. A wave of stress and anxiety flushed over me as I quickly moved a hand to the back of my pants. My heart rate tripled as my hands found wet fabric...a lot of wet fabric. 

My diapers had leaked. 

People walking by me in the hall were watching and laughing. I felt everyone's eyes look at me with judgement, humor, and shame. Some even appeared to look like they felt sorry for me, but for the most part I was once again a laughing stock. I hung my head and ran to a bathroom stall, and called my mom. 

After a tearful phone call, she agreed to pick me up and take me home early. I guilted her with the fact it was my birthday and told her we only really do review in the last week, so she was okay with it. I was home within an hour. 

The rest of the day I took easy, I lounged around watching videos and playing games, and before I knew it it was dinner time already. We had my favorite meal, spaghetti and meatballs, and for dessert my mom pulled out this beautiful cake with 18 candles in it.

“Make a wish!” she said. I thought for a moment. 

‘I wish all girls were completely incontinent until they were...30...And not just normal incontinence, when they wet themselves they flooded and when they messed themselves they filled their whole pants. Then they’d need the thickest, most absorbent diapers on the market.’

I blew the candles, the image of Yara wetting a big thick diaper clear in my mind. 

‘If only that would happen, then no one would have any reason to make fun of me.’

I had a huge slice of cake and went to bed. 

The next morning I woke up to a soaked and leaking diaper. I called in my mom.

“Oh honey, maybe you should wear the thicker ones today...you have been wetting pretty heavy lately” She suggested. I hung my head back, annoyed, but agreed. It was better to wear them and avoid any further embarrassment. Besides, my wardrobe was basically filled with clothes designed to hide diapers, it wasn’t a huge deal. I powdered and taped myself then got ready for school. 

When I got there something felt off, like everyone was a little on edge. The guys seemed fine, but the girls...it was like everyone was having their time of the month all at once. It was maybe 10 minutes after me getting to school that Yara found me and confronted me with her group. She seemed pissed, and ready to take it out on someone. 

“Whats up pissy bitch?” She said, loud enough for everyone around to get uncomfortable. “I hope you wore some thick diapers today, wouldn’t want you missing anymore classes”. 

“Oh my god!” One of Yara's posse basically screamed, and everyone looked over to her. She was wetting herself. Piss flooded down her skinny jeans and dripped all over the floor. Yara looked back at her, disgusted. 

“What the fuck are you doing?” She yelled, before another girls hand went to her mouth and a wet spot started forming around her crotch as well. I started looking around, and to my amazement I saw at least 10 more girls with wet pants or in the process of wetting themselves. Something was happening. Yara looked at me and pointed her finger into my shoulder. 

“If you had anything to do with this-” Then she stopped cold mid-sentence. I looked down to see if she was wetting herself too, but there was no spot forming. I looked her dead in the face and saw her cheeks go red, and then I smelt it. Yara had shit her pants. She turned around from me and ran to the toilets, and when she did I could see the massive lump in the back of her jeans. 

I couldn’t believe it; I thought I was dreaming. My wish really came true.

Weeks later, the world has changed. What was thought to be a closed off event at the school very quickly became a worldwide phenomenon. Women under 30 couldn’t control their bladder or bowels. Scientists and doctors couldn’t find a reason, only that when a women would turn 30 she could start to feel the need. However once they turned 30 they still had to potty train. 

Months later, the world is starting to come to terms with the new biological happenings. Celebrities are becoming endorsers of diaper brands which have exploded in business. The companies that were around before could hardly keep up with the need for adult diapers, and new brands began popping up very rapidly. Hell, there were even designer diapers.

A year later, diapers are constant news. Diaper magazines, Diaper models, Diaper everything. It was normalized, and I was no longer bullied. I was affected as well, as instead of just dribbling pee I now poured out when I went. 

20 years later, since diapers are so mainstream, diapers have been developed to absorb more and more in a more concentrated area. There are new “pantie-like” Diapers which are thin and expands when wet. Women are being born and growing up never knowing what a toilet is like. There are women who are turning thirty that have spent so long with diapers that they couldn't be bothered to potty train. 

And me, I’m just like everyone else. 

*Comment below what you guys think the world would look like if her wish came true in real life!*


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