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“No I’ll be fine, it’s not that far a walk” I said to my friends as we said our goodbyes “Don’t worry about it!” 

“Okay if you’re sure, I don’t mind paying for a cab you know” they replied. 

“No really, it’s fine. It’s a beautiful night anyhow! I could use a little time outside.”

“Okay then, goodnight!”

“Goodnight! Thanks again!” And with that, I turned and left. Truth be told, I couldn’t afford a cab and I was too proud to ask for the money, but it really wasn’t too far of a walk. Twenty minutes at the most. The night air was cool but soothing, and the sky was clear and full of stars. It really was a beautiful night, and from the looks of it I was the only one outside to enjoy it. 

When I was about a block away from my friends house, I started to feel the strong urge to pee. 

“Fuck” I said to myself “Why can’t you use the bathroom before you leave ever.” I have a very sensitive bladder, and I had been actively drinking vodka sodas all night which have a tendency to go right through me. The house was still in my view, but I couldn’t go back. That would just be awkward and embarrassing. I could hold it until I got home…

As I walked I got more and more desperate. Every block felt like another drink had found its way down and added more pressure onto my already full bladder. I started walking like a penguin, legs crossed and stopping every now and again to hunch over and fight off my pees attempted escape into my jeans. About ten minutes had gone by and I was already way more desperate than I would’ve like to be. 

While I have a very sensitive bladder, I also have a bad knack for holding my pee in as long as I can without accidents. Honestly part of the reason I have a sensitive bladder is likely due to my frequently prolonged holdings, but I do it nonetheless. 

The true halfway mark indicator for my journey was a little forest trail that allowed a shortcut to my house. I looked down there and stopped. It was pitch black. There was another path I could take just by following the road, which would have light the whole way...but that path added another seven or eight minutes and honestly, I don’t think I could wait that long. So I turned on my phones flash light and headed down the trail. 

It was as if the whole world got colder, quieter and definitely darker as soon as I stepped on that dirt trail. The white noise of traffic and lights buzzing disappeared, and I felt truly alone. All of a sudden I heard a crack of a branch. I gasped and my focus drifted from my bladder a bit as my stomach had a sinking feeling in it. My heart fluttered and I turned around and looked in all directions. It felt like someone was watching me. 

Quickly I turned back and continued on my way through the trail heading home. I put my head down and started to speed walk as much as my legs would leg me while fighting off a flood of pee. The trail began to look unfamiliar and all of a sudden-

My phone died. 

The flashlight turned off and I was left in the pitch black forest. I stood frozen in fear, desperately trying to turn my phone back on. My heart racing a mile a minute and then.


Another tree branch from behind me. This one felt closer than the last. I stood up straight, holding my breath and shaking in fear. A warmth started to spread around my crotch and I quickly clenched up to stop the flow of pee that managed to slip out. My hands dove to my crotch and I felt a small spot form, but I managed to keep it under control. 


I snapped out of my frozen state and started running, using only my slightly drunken memory as my guide. I brushed against bushes and ran into some trees, but I ran as fast as I could. 

After about a minute straight of running, I saw the lights of the street at the other side of the trail. I stopped running and sighed in relief, my heart racing from the fright and the burst of speed I just performed. 

But just when I thought I was in the clear, a dark figure appeared at the end of the trail. My heart sunk and started pounding deep, and my stomach filled with butterflies. It was a man, and he was walking towards me. 

My first thought was to turn around and run, but all of a sudden-


I didn’t know what to do, I was completely frozen. I was surrounded. The man was coming towards me at an alarming speed, and I just closed my eyes. Tears began to form, and the next thing I knew, my bladder gave out. 

Pee exploded out of me with an incredible force, making a hissing noise that cut the silence of the night. My jeans filled with wet warmth and I felt it trickle all the way down into my socks and shoes. It felt like it would never stop, and it was still flowing when I heard the mans voice.

“You alright there miss?” his voice filled the air and he spoke with what sounded like genuine concern. I opened my eyes to get a good look at him. He was a in uniform and had a flashlight out.

“Miss?” he asked again.

“Yes I’m fine, just about home” I said, my voice still shaking. 

“Okay well best you get home soon, we’ve had reports of coyotes in this area” His flashlight caught the shimmer of my puddle off pee and he followed the puddle to get a full view of my wet jeans with his flashlight. He cleared his throat “Get home safe miss, have a good night now.”

“You too” I said, completely humiliated. I walked fast passed him and I felt his eyes follow me, staring at my soaked ass in my jeans. My shoes squished when I walked, and I hung my head as I walked into the light of the street to get a full look at my jeans. Completely flooded. Barely a dry spot on them.

Next time, I think I’ll take the cab.


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