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I rolled my eyes as my legs started to shake as much as they could in the restraints. I don’t know how the other girls were feeling, but I was really desperate already. I looked around and saw some people chatting, laughing, and others biting their lips and shaking their legs like me. 

“Remember girls, not even a single wet spot can show on those pants” Brittany called out above the noise “If you leak a little, you might as well just let it all go because to us, it’s all the same.”

I turned to June who seemed calm, no inkling of discomfort. Either she had amazing self-control or she wasn’t feeling it yet; but I was bursting. 

“June, I really have to go” I said to June, worried. “I actually don’t think I’m going to make it to the end.”

“Just try your best, and hang in there” She replied being supportive “You probably can hold it longer than you think. Sometimes I feel the need even though I don’t have to go that bad. It’s probably mental; brains all caught up in the competition. Just think about something else right now!”

That helped ease my nerves a bit, and when I relaxed, I realized she might be right. I was being over dramatic...right? 

No more than a few short seconds after relaxing, I felt my bladder give a little. I quickly reacted, clenched up and sat upright. June heard me gasp and shot her head over, concerned. It couldn’t have been much pee, and it definitely wasn't enough to show through my jeans. However the situation got worse as Brittany happened to be walking by, and noticed my reaction. 

She stopped her pacing and gave me a smug, curious look, then walked over.

“How are we doing over here?” She asked.

“Not bad aha” I said awkwardly, clearly nervous. 

“Mhm…” she hummed and looked down between my legs “What was your name again?”

“Amy” I said, starting to sweat a little. After the little pee escaped I wanted desperately to go back to my leg shaking bum squirming ways, but I had to appear strong in front of the Queen B. 

“Do your best Amy, I’ll be watching closely” She replied and got up, winking at me as she walked away. I must’ve been holding my breath, because I let out a big sigh as she turned her back to me and looked frantically to June.

“I leaked a little” I whispered, and her eyes widened.

“Is it wet down there?” She asked. I looked up to watch Brittany and when I was sure she wasn't looking, I looked down to my crotch. Nothing, dry as they appeared before the contest. 

“It’s fine, but that was a close call, I don’t think I’m going to make it very far June” I said with some strain. 

“Just do your best, no matter what we’re in this together” June said. 

“Well if I get eliminated, don't feel you have to give up for me. You deserve a proper chance even if I can’t make it” I told her, and I meant it. This was a big opportunity for any girl at this college. I wasn't going to let my lack of bladder strength take that opportunity away from June. 

“Thanks Amy, but I don’t know I’m going to do much better. I thought I was good but it just hit me like a truck” She laughed “Are you going to leave if know you can't hold it?” 

“And what, show I’m a quitter? No way. Getting out early is one thing but showing these girls you’ll give up when it gets hard? That’s a one way ticket to never getting into Alpha Beta. I’m here until my pants are soaked” I said determined through squirms, my desperation was building more and more by the minute.

“Aha, good. Same here. I was hoping you would say that too, as the both of use walking home with wet pants might be less embarrassing than only one.”

We smiled and laughed at our inevitable humiliation. 

“THAT’S IT. I’M DONE!” a shout pierced the air from across the room, causing us both to jump. I quickly clenched and made sure nothing leaked, then looked onto the commotion.

“Me too, fuck this bullshit!” Two girls caused a scene as Alpha Beta girls got up and untied them. Brittany scowled at them as they ran by to the toilets, not saying a word; then she turned to look at me. We caught each others eyes and she smiled at me. I smiled back, putting on my best charm.

But that smile turned to fear real fast. 

All of a sudden, my desperation started fleeting, and my pants got warmer...and wetter. 

“Oh no…” June said softly, as she watched my bladder totally empty into my jeans. 

A full flood of pee erupted out of me, loudly hissing and filling every dry portion around my waist and down my calf's, into my shoes. My nose cringed as it pooled around my butt, more and more flowing out of me. It was as if someone plunged one of those two liter bottles into the waistband of my pants and emptied it. I was at a loss of control. 

That was the most surprising part to me however, as more often or not if I was desperate to pee I would slowly leak before full on losing control and wetting myself. 

A puddle formed around me and before long, all attention was on me.

“Hey Brit! Looks like we have our first wetter!” One of the girls called over, but Brittany already knew. She watched the whole thing. The Queen B strutted over to me and my cheeks started to flush red. 

“Remember this doesn't have to be the end Amy” June quickly whispered, “Charm her!”

I paused for a second the nodded. She was right, this wasn't it for me, I wouldn’t let it be.

“I had a feeling about you Amy” Brittany said with a smile “Let’s get you out of that chair.”

“Well I do tend to wear my heart on my sleeve” I said “Or my bladder in this case.” Brittany chuckled and when I was out of restraints, she reached out her hands and helped me out of my chair. 

“Everyone give a cheer for Amy!” She called out, and there was a nice loud cheer from the Alpha Beta girls and a half-assed, desperate cheer from the girls still in the contest. 

“It’s too bad I couldn’t hold it” I said to Brittany, “I would’ve really loved being one of you girls.”

“Hey, you never gave up; sometimes, that's all it takes” She said, and gave me a hug before walking off. 

I turned, mouth open to June.

“I think she just said I can stay? Did you hear that? Am I reading into that?” I said, freaking out to June. 

“Ahahaha, sit down and get a hold of yourself, you need to support me now” June laughed. 

I wiped off my seat of pee with a towel the Alpha Beta girls left me and sat back down next to June, my jeans already getting cold and uncomfortable. I may have been the first to piss my pants, but I was not going to be first to go. That’s all I needed. 


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