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It was my companies annual Christmas party and as usual, everyone was drunk out of their minds. I worked for a chain of fancy restaurants which mainly hire young, attractive female students to be waitresses and a handful of handsome men to be bartenders. It was a pretty stereotypical thing, but the job was great and I had lots of friends from work. These parties were free and thrown by the owner, open to any employee across the city. The owner was notorious for being a bit of a hard-ass 364 days a year, the only days he wasn't, was at this Christmas party. He would go all out; book us a whole hall, hire a DJ, catering, open bar and this year he even hired someone to dress up as Santa so people could sit on his lap and get a picture...so of course the place was packed.

The Santa was probably having the time of his life as the only people who were lining up to sit on his lap were the girls, tipsy and dressed up in revealing clothes, all wanting suggestive photos with him. It was a great time, even better to be a guy. Like I said, most of the people employed were young women so if you were even a semi-attractive guy at this party, there was a very high chance you were going to get laid. Santa I’m sure had a few girls asking him what time he’s done. As I got more and more intoxicated the bartender from the downtown spot started looking really good…

“Kelsey, come on we're going to line up for Santa” my friend Brittany got be out of my daydream, slurring through her words. She was already way more drunk than I was, and I was worried she’d either pass out on Santa or throw up on him, but we went to line-up regardless. 

The line was long, and not moving very fast. There was no rush to get the photo as it was all free and people wanted as many pictures as the could get without someone throwing a drink at them. Mostly groups would go up, take a few group pics then they’d each want their own individual pictures. It was annoying, but I was in a happy-drunk mood and nothing was going to bring me down. Besides, I had a clear view of the bartender from the line…

I caught a glimpse of Brittany starting to bend over…”Oh shit, she’s going to hurl” I thought. 

“Brit why don't you head over to the washroom before you get us kicked out okay? I’ll stay in line” I said.

“That’s...a really good idea” She mumbled, and staggered off to the toilets. I chuckled and looked back at the bartender. This bitch from my restaurant had gone over and started talking to him...Becca. I HATED Becca. She was an uptight, snobby little daddy's girl, always tattle tale-ing about this thing or the other. I could not let her steal this boy, but I also couldn’t go over there now...I was stuck in line until Brittany got back.  

All of a sudden, through my growing hatred for Becca I started to notice a slight discomfort from my bladder. It came on suddenly and strong, which happens when I’m drunk; I really needed to pee. 

I crossed my legs and started to look around for Brittany. The line had moved up one group and we were only a few groups back, which probably meant another 20 minutes in line at this rate. I couldn't see her anywhere, but I didn’t see her leave the bathroom. One of my other friends walked by and I called for her. 

“Hey Megan! Have you seen Brittany?” She turned and looked at me. 

“Hey! Not since I saw her go to the snack bar, why?” She seemed to be the only one at this party not buzzed at all. 

“I sent her to the bathroom to get sick and I haven't seen her in awhile, how long ago did you see her?” I said.

“Maybe 5 or 6 minutes ago” Megan seemed eager to get out of this conversation, she kept looking over somewhere and I followed her stares. It was Graham, the hands down sexiest boy in our restaurant. I looked back to her with shocked pride. 

“Oh my god is he waiting for you?” I asked. 

She got shy “Aha...yeah he is.”

“Fuck well stop talking to me and go girl!” I pushed her in that direction and slapped her on the bum. She smiled and blushed back at me as she rushed over to the boy. I watched her walk away, then all of a sudden a sharp pain stung my bladder. I buckled over, crossed my legs and said “FUCK” under my breath. I really needed to go. 

My head was on a swivel looking out for Brittany, the people in front of me in line, and fucking Becca flirting with my man all whilst I’m now doing the pee-pee dance.

The group ahead of me was now with Santa which meant Brittany and I were next...or as it was right now, just me. Pressure was continuing to build in my bladder and I knew that I had a few more minutes before I was going to need to be sitting on a toilet. 


“Ah!” I screamed. Brittany had grabbed my sides, squeezed and yelled. Usually a fun joke, but this time I felt a spurt of pee shoot out of me and soak into my panties.

“Not funny Brit, I’ve been looking for you for ages where were you?” I said sternly.

“Oh relax, I went to the bathroom...threw up...felt soooo much better, and in fact a little hungry so I noticed they put out some fresh perogies and you know your girl loves perogies and…” She kept babbling on, but I stopped listening. A glistening on the floor caught my attention and slowly I looked down to the floor. There was a small little puddle where I must have peed through my panties and onto the floor. I was wearing a black dress and my panties were quite lacy, so I wasn't surprised but I was surely embarrassed, and panicked. 

I slowly looked back up to Brittany who was still talking, and kept eye contact as I moved my foot over the puddle, hoping to spread it out and make it less noticeable. While I was doing that, I reached to the bottom of my dress to check, and thankfully it was still dry...but I don’t know for how much longer that would be the case. 

Restraining myself from continuing the pee-pee dance, I pushed my legs together as hard as I could and held on. Letting out a little bit did not help, in fact I think it made it worse. I kept eye contact with Brittany and felt another little dribble slip from my drunken control...then another...and another. I’d had enough. 

“I need to go to the bathroom, now.” I interrupted Brittany and she looked annoyed. 

“NEXT” I heard from behind me. The group was finished, and it was our turn. 

“Can’t you wait until pictures are done? Come on Kels” Brittany said and dragged me to Santa.

“Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas ladies” Santa said. 

“Merry Christmas Daddy” Brittany said suggestively, and sat on his right knee. I cringed, and stood next to him. I knew if I sat on his lap now, the dampness from my panties would definitely soak into his legs. 

“What’re you doing? Sit down!” Brittany said almost scolding me. I rolled my eyes, and begrudgingly pushed the skirt of my dress into my panties and legs, and sat down. Crossing my legs, I had a sudden feeling of dread wash over me. 

“Okay we’re going to take a couple, in 3… 2… 1… Merry Christmas!” The camera lady said. I smiled, but almost on cue of the countdown, I felt something warm and wet under my bum. My fake smile faded and my cheeks became hot. Right there, on Santa's lap, I was full on wetting myself. 

Brittany's face went from confused to shocked, and as soon as Santa felt it he stood up, pushing us both off. He had a massive wet spot on his red suit, and even though I was off him, I kept peeing. I couldn't stop it; I had completely lost control. The camera’s flashed and I looked around. People were stopped and staring, some laughing and some just shocked. A massive puddle grew where I stood, and I was frozen there. It was like time had stopped, all I could feel was the wetness between and down my legs and the eyes of every person staring at me, which I then noticed included the downtown bartender. He was stood there with Becca who was recording it on her phone yelling “Awwwwee did widdle Kelsey pee her panties!” 

“This happens sometimes at the malls but that’s with babies, this is a $400 suit you know!” Yelled Santa. I managed to get myself out of a frozen shock and just ran; put my head down and pushed through to the nearest exit. 

When I got outside, I called an Uber and sat on the curb, crying. I had never been so humiliated in my life. 

“Hey” I heard a soft, man's voice behind me.

“Go away” I cried, “Just leave me alone”

He came and sat beside me, and I looked up from my hands ready to scream “Just go the fuck away-...”

But it was him. Downtown Bartender.

“I’m Liam” he said, holding out his hand. I just sat there shocked, staring at him. “Look,” he said “It’s not nice what they treated you like in there. I just came here to apologize on their behalf and to see if you were okay.”

Wow. I couldn't even speak. He was handsome and super kind, I could have cried from his kindness alone. 

“And the other thing, you know you don’t need to worry about that ever again, I can give you some protection.”

“You’d...protect me?” I said, awestruck. 

“Aha...something like that…”


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