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Hello. My name is Ellena, I’m 18 years old, and if you find this I’m either dead, or about to be…

Okay that’s a little dramatic, but if anyone ever finds this I really am going to die from embarrassment. The only reason I’m writing this out is to track my progress.

So I’ll just get down to it - I want to be diapered 24/7.

Yes, it’s weird I know. But for years now I’ve had this fascination and obsession with diapers. I think it started when I had an accident at school in grade 7, and even though it was a middle school and I was old and embarrassed enough already, they put me in a diaper. However instead of feeling more embarrassed, I love them. They made me feel comfortable, safe.

I wasn’t brave enough to do it then, but I seriously considered having more accidents so they could keep putting me in them. Now though...well this is crazy, but I have to do it.

My plan is to start having accidents more and more until it gets to a point where my parents (whom I still live with) will have no choice but to diaper me.

It’s crazy, I know...but you need to understand how much better they make me feel. I suffer from anxiety, and often feel pretty depressed. When I wear diapers, I feel alive, comfortable. Happy. It’s a security I can’t get with normal panties, and yes it’s strange but...it helps me.

I had a chance to get some diapers of my own a few times when my parents have gone away, and every moment with them was magical. But after they came back and the diapers had to go away, it was like coming down from a high that I needed to get back up to. Like I was addicted.

Enough background though, at this point if your still reading your either laughing your ass of or extremely disturbed, but I don’t care. I’m probably dead anyways.

It’s summer, I don’t have a job, don’t have anywhere to be and my parents will be home for a bit. Here’s how I’m going to do it:

I’ve purchased a few hypnosis files online that had pretty good reviews for bladder and bowel incontinence, so in combination with those I will be following these steps.

Day 1: Start wetting the bed. I’ve been reading up on how to start wetting naturally, so I will try for those but for now I’ll just force it out before I sleep or when I wake up. Every night after this one will have a wet bed.

Day 2: One Daytime accident. This one I won’t have with them present, I will try to badly hide it in fact so my mom sees it when she does laundry.

Day 3: No more bathroom. I’m hoping the hypnosis files will start to kick in at this point, but if not I’m going to purposely have an accident in front of my parents and play it off as “I didn’t feel it”.

Day 4 and on: Continue no more bathroom and bedwetting until I’m padded.

So tonight I have a full bladder (bursting at the moment), and a hypnosis file ready to listen. Wish me luck.

Day 1

Woke up and the hypnosis must’ve worked faster than I thought, because I wet the bed without being awake for it. Not going to lie it was pretty exciting, I’m not crazy about wetting my pants but as a means to a diapered end, it’s worth it.

My mom saw it right away, and said I must’ve had a nightmare or something. Nothing to worry about. We’ll see…

Day 2

So I didn’t mention this yesterday, but the hypnosis is really taking its effect...so well is kind of scaring me. Yesterday I nearly had an accident as they feeling came so strong so fast that by the time I got to the toilet, I had leaked a little into my pants. Part of me was thinking I should’ve just had the accident, but I wanted to try to be gradual.

So anyways, I listened to the hypnosis track again last night and it’s really starting to set in. I wet the bed again without feeling it, and this time I wasn’t nearly as desperate to pee before going to bed as I was last time.

The day got interesting though.

I was working in the garden with my mom when all of a sudden I felt a trickle down my legs. When I looked down, I was full on wetting myself. My heart started racing, and shyly I called out for my mom.

She saw me, confused and wet, and hustled me inside. She said something along the lines of “two days with a wet beds and now this? What’s going on Ellena?”. She cleaned me up and as the day went on, I became increasingly more anxious about when my next accident would come. I really needed the diapers already, but they wouldn’t believe that yet. I didn’t want to tell them to do it either, they needed to come to the decision on their own.

Sure enough. We were sitting eating dinner when my next accident came. I felt a pool of piss flood my chair and overflow onto the floor, creating a waterfall of dripping piss. My dad was livid, my mom was nurturing.

I can hear them talking downstairs, something about taking me to see a doctor or something. Guess we’ll find out tomorrow.

Day 3

What. A. Day. Wow.

The day started differently for not only did I wet the bed...I messed in my sleep as well. I should say that up until this point. I’ve been able to make it to the bathroom for all my number two needs, but they’ve been harder to hold.

That was not the case today.

So my dad came to wake me, and in seeing the state I was in and smelling the smell, he yelled for my mother and said they’re taking me to a doctor.

And that’s what we did, an hour later I was in a waiting room full of people, nervous I may wet or mess myself at any time. Truly helpless...I guess this is what I wanted.

The doctor couldn’t find anything wrong. Obviously. Said it could be stress, and if I want to stay safe I should “wear protection”. My acting here was on point. I just hung my head and sadly said “I just don’t want wet pants anymore”, and I shit you not; I started wetting myself right after I said it. Even though I couldn’t feel it or have any control whatsoever, the universe had plans for my butt, and that was to make it padded.

You should’ve seen the faces of everyone in that room as piss poured out of me with a vengeance. The doctor was shocked, my mother was almost in tears, and my dad was beet red with anger and embarrassment.

The icing on the cake following that though, was the mess. I stood up in my wet pants to leave through the back door that the doctor was leading us to so I could leave without anyone seeing my accident, and as soon as I stood up it just slid out. A huge heavy shit just unloaded into my panties and jeans. My eyes went wide and I stopped; my dad took notice and said “don’t tell me”.

The doctor was very kind, and he gave us a complimentary pack of adult diapers for me to wear per my mom's request. My dad “couldn’t believe his 18 year old daughter was having to wear diapers like a goddamn baby”. It was a bit humiliating, but I couldn’t be more excited. This was what I’d dreamed about, and it only took three days!

Day 368

Wow, I just found this again, crazy to look back at that now. It’s officially been a year since I’ve started wearing diapers 24/7, and I couldn’t be happier. Now the diapers the doctor gave me did not work as well as my parents had hoped, and I’m now wearing extra-thick diapers to prevent any leakage. Yes getting a boyfriend is hard and finding clothes to hide them is sometimes challenging, but my life is amazing. I’m more confident, more energized, and never have to worry about bathroom breaks. This last year I turned my life around, got a part-time job and enrolled for college for the coming term. I will never regret this, in fact...I think I need a change.



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