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The three of us got back to our camp and went to our separate tents for the night. Tony wanted to get the water back to the lab as soon as possible, so we were heading to the airport first thing in the morning. 

Karisa and I didn't speak about our wet pants at all the entire hike back. I could tell she was embarrassed, but she oozes confidence and wouldn't show weakness no matter what. Her attitude made my embarrassment lessen, but I couldn’t help but feel ashamed whenever Tony would look at me. Not only did I go into the fountain, but I also pissed myself in the cave. He must’ve been thinking so lowly of me.

I got into my tent and changed out of my drying pissed pants and panties. After that I put together a quick snack and a drink, and started to read. Since I wanted to be just like Tony, I had been reading anything and everything related to this expedition. History and myths about the fountain, and stuff of that sort. However tonight I found myself getting really sleepy really fast, so I closed my book, finished my drink, and laid my head in my pillow. Within a minute of closing my eyes, I was fast asleep.

I woke up in a dream. It looked and felt very real, but I could tell I was dreaming. Looking around I realized I was in my old grade 4 classroom, with the horrible Ms. Miller stood at the front. It was a math class, something I was very bad at at that age. I felt my body and noticed I was my normal adult self, but smaller. I still had my breasts and curves, but I was the height of a fourth grader. 

“Nicole!” Ms. Miller called for me sternly, “not daydreaming are we?”

“No mame” I replied startled. This day was starting to sound and feel familiar…

“Well then, can you solve the problem on the board?”

I looked up at the chalkboard and saw a multiplication equation. It was rudimentary for normal me, but for some reason dream me couldn’t figure it out. 

“Um...15?” The class chuckled as I gave the wrong answer.

“Calm down class, Nicole you can stay with me after the bell” Ms. Miller said; she was notorious for detention. Any chance she got she would put you in it. Whispering? Detention. Wrong answer? Detention. I’ve even seen her go as far as giving a girl detention because she asked to use the bathroom too much...that girl went home after that detention.

Speaking of the bathroom, I suddenly was struck with the strong need to pee. I pressed my hands into my legs and squirmed around in my seat. 


The bell rung signaling salvation for some, not for myself. I expected I’d be in here for another 15 minutes, I just hoped I could hold it that long. Ms. Miller walked up to me and stood over me, her stale breath making my nose curl.

“You haven’t been doing very well Nicole. You need to pick it up” She growled.

“I know mame...it’s just hard sometimes” I hung my head, squirming some more. My desperation was getting worse and worse, and I didn’t think I couldn’t make it through detention.

“Well if you can’t get the marks up, we’ll me spending more time together in here with me, understand?”

“Yes mame...um, I don’t mean to bother but...I really need to use the potty.”

She scoffed at my comment “Potty? How old are you. You’re a big girl you can hold it. Right?” 

“I...Yes mame.” Ms. Miller walked back to her desk and I looked back up at the time. Ten minutes to go, but barely any time left for my bladder. I twisted and push and squeezed as much as I could, my eyes started to water and I knew what the outcome was going to be. I couldn’t hold it much longer, I-


My blood ran cold as hot piss exploded out of me in an incredible speed. I just sat there, still in my chair and looked directly at Ms. Miller. The pee pooled in my seat, and overflowed onto the floor. Every dry crevasse of my pants was now wet, and I started to cry. It wasn’t until then that Ms. Miller looked up at me and said ‘for Christ’s sake’ under her breath. She stood up in a huff and stomped towards me.

“C’mon, lets get you to the nurses” she said as she grabbed my arm and pulled me out of my chair. I continued to cry as she pulled me, practically paraded me through the school halls with a soaked bottom. I wasn’t quite sure I had even stopped peeing, as I still felt the trickle and drip of liquid down my legs.

We arrived at the nurses and Ms. Miller tossed me in there. “We have another one” she said, and left. The nurse looked at me, annoyed, and lead me into one of the rooms. Without saying a work she sat me down in a room, and left. When she came back, she had a pair of school sweatpants and something else…

“Your parents will have to pay for the pants, I’ll be charging it to their account. As for the diapers, the first one is free but if it continues you’ll have to start paying for them too. 

“Diapers?” I exclaimed, “I don’t need diapers! It was an accident!”

“Just the school's policy, sorry. Now strip your wet clothes and we’ll tape you up.”

I hung my head and slowly dropped my pants and panties. The nurse then laid me down, wiped me off, covered me in baby powder, and taped the diaper onto me. These diapers were not for babies, and I’m not even sure they were for kids either. The looked like adult diapers, just with some babyish designs…

I jolted up in a sweat. After a quick look around and a deep sigh, I realized I was awake, finally escaping that hell. The dream was almost a beat for beat recreation of what actually had happened to me during school, and I figured the wetting today must’ve triggered a memory like that. I was about to go back to sleep when I turned and felt a squishy wet feeling below me. My eyes widened and I quickly threw back the covers. 

I had wet the bed.


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