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Here is a brand new story! Hope you enjoy.


There it was. For months, Tony had worked tirelessly to track down this exact location, and now it was right in front of our faces. Tony, Karisa and I didn’t speak, we just looked on in wonder at the ominous glow coming from the rippling water. 

The Fountain of Youth. 

Tony was an archaeologist, I was his intern/assistant. He was the one doing all the work and I was the one absorbing everything I could, with hopes and dreams to one day be just like him. Along for the ride was Karisa, who’s inclusion was of little desire for Tony. Karisa was an international super model and fashion icon, or so she claimed. More importantly than that though, she was the one bankrolling this exhibition. Beyond her beauty and fame, Karisa was also a huge geek for old myths and legends. When she heard there was a chance that the Fountain was actually real, there was no stopping her from coming on board; plus the potential beauty benefits were too high. 

We had spent 2 days in Spanish forest tracking the cave Tony predicted was the one, and after hours of squeezing through claustrophobic and rocky terrain, we found it. 

It was surreal. It looked like a natural pond but with a slim rock formation protruding from the center, which poured out water like a fountain you would have in your backyard. After about two minutes of still silence, Karisa walked up to the pond. 

“Be careful” Tony said “I don’t want you to contaminate it.”

“Oh you think I’m a dirty girl don’t you Tony” Karisa teased, she was well aware of her power over men and used these sort of sexual jokes often. “I’m drinking out of this fountain, you know that.”

“I know, I know. You’ve made that abundantly clear this whole trip. At least let me get a sample first” Tony was always science first, people second. Maybe even third, since he seemed to enjoy the company of his cats over any person. This was especially annoying to me since...well I’ll admit I had a bit of a thing for him. Even before meeting him in person I was fascinated by him and his work, and after getting the chance to be close to him I’ve fallen pretty hard, despite him seeming very asexual. 

Karisa rolled her eyes and stepped back, allowed Tony to grab some containers from his back. He put on a pair of gloves and slowly lowered it into the pond, gathering about a liter of the supposed magical water. Then he got up, and motioned to Karisa to have her way with the water. She smiled gleefully and walked right up to the edge, staring into it. Tony and I watched on for a minute, wondering what was taking her so long. 

She rolled her bag off her shoulder and let it down on the cave floor. Then she unzipped her vest, and took it off along with her top. When Karisa was down to just her bra, Tony and I looked at each other concerned.

“Karisa what’re you doing?” I asked.

“I’m swimming Nicole, I didn’t come all this way and spend all this money just for a sip. Come in with me!” She dropped her pants and underwear and undid her bra. Tony turned around and pinched the bridge of his nose, cringing. If she wasn’t paying for all of this, he might’ve said something, but his hands were tied. 

Karisa, now fully nude, dipped her toes into the water. Her eyes perked open and she turned towards me. “It’s warm!” She said amazed. With that discover, she jumped in. I watched on as she was fully submerged, and Tony stayed with his back turned. After a few long seconds went by, I looked to Tony with concern. She had been underwater for almost over a minute, and the bubbles to the surface stopped. I ran over to the water to see if she was okay, and right as I got the the edge she popped up and splashed me.

“Karisa!” I exclaimed.

“Nicole you HAVE to come in. It feels amazing, like I’ve have life breathed into every pore of my body.” 

“I don’t know…” I was hesitant, even though I desperately wanted too. Tony obviously didn’t want anyone in the water, but this could be a once in a lifetime opportunity. I looked back at Tony. 

“Oh my god, don’t worry about him. He doesn’t care, I know you’re into him but seriously girl...you could do better.” Karisa replied sassily as she usually would. I opened my mouth to say something but stopped. Maybe she was right, this could be the real deal. I stood contemplating for a few seconds, then dropped my back and started undressing. 

“Thata girl” Karisa smiled satisfied. I undressed to my underwear and was about to climb in when Karisa stopped me. “Uh uh uh! All off, no contaminating the water.” She winked at Tony and I turned around, he was watching me undress, and when he saw me turn he turned back around. I blushed and looked down at Karisa, who was smiling. 

With a heavy sigh, I dropped my panties and stripped my sports bra. 

“Damn girl, I didn’t know how much tit you were hiding in there” Karisa said, making me blush even more. I dipped in my toes, and felt the warmth. It felt incredible. Before I had time to hesitate any longer, Karisa grabbed my foot and pulled me in. When I was fully submerged, I felt what Karisa was talking about. Everything felt amazing, every inch of my body refreshed. I opened my mouth and swallowed a lot of it, before coming back up to the surface. 

“Wow right?” Karisa asked.

“Yeah, wow” 

After a few minutes we both hopped out and dried off. Tony was writing in his journal and tapping his foot, annoyed. We got dressed and started on our way back to the camp. 

The cave was long and took a lot of effort to navigate on the way in, but on the way out it felt like an easy stroll. Both Karisa and I were bursting with energy, whereas Tony dragged his feet. We figured we were a few minutes from the entrance when all of a sudden Karisa buckled over with a sharp inhale. 

“Karisa are you okay?” I went to her side, concerned for her well being...and my own.

“Yeah I just really have to pee all of a sudden, are we almost out?” She replied desperately, her legs crossing.

“Should be just up ahead” Tony replied in an unimpressed tone. Karisa started walking again and I followed. 

About a minute after Karisa started needing to pee, I felt the sudden urge too. It was like I got shot in the bladder with instant desperation, and I buckled over similarly. Karisa took notice. 

“Oh no, you too?” 

“Yeah” I replied, “that water must’ve gone right through us.” 

It was desperation I wouldn’t normally feel, bursting to the point of being minutes away from peeing my pants. Usually I would just go when I felt the slightest urge, so there was no way for me to tell how long I could hold it. 

We could see the light at the end of the tunnel, and Karisa started to run ahead. Right as she got to the entrance of the cave, she stopped. Tony and I caught up with her to see, she was wetting herself. 

“Seriously?” Tony said annoyed “this is a really important cave and you’re pissing all over it”

“It was an accident Tony, I didn’t mean too. Just be happy you even got to come here” Karisa snapped, standing in her own puddle. All of a sudden my desperation went away, and I looked down at my legs in shock. I was pissing myself too.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me” Tony said under his breath, and stormed off. I just couldn’t hold it anymore I guess, or maybe I was distracted by Karisas accident and forgot to keep holding. Nonetheless, piss was pouring out into my pants and shoes. Karisa and I looked over at each other, partly feeling better about the accident having shared the experience. 

“Forget him, let’s go get changed” Karisa said and she grabbed my hand. 

We started walking back to camp and I looked back into the cave. How weird is it that we both swam and both had abrupt accidents?

I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.

To be continued...


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