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EDIT: Download: https://mega.nz/file/6nYDQJxC#syw-mpZgGnA8ohiCRrz_kvPTlczFEsogFbRmg__LhkI

There was a bug with the expressions is the previous version. Leaving the link up since it still has the HD video file, just ignore the scene data and get it from the fixed link. My bad!

Old Download: https://mega.nz/file/qu5CTAbK#SojeRrwNND2M5Ke19X9EQJAnoYv16rzFY33k5bZ-CJk

Something I've been wanting to do is make a longer animation with multiple scenes/parts. I could then work on them in any order I want and edit them together. I'm shooting for 5+ minutes for now with enough time dedicated to each part.

My reasoning is I've been wanting to level up my animation for a while now and so I think now's a good time as any to learn how to edit, add audio and commit to something a bit bigger in scope.

I think breaking it down into segments will help me focus too.

Also, I can release scene-files for you too play with when I'm done with each part instead of waiting potentially months for the entire scene to drop. Though I'll still mark them as WIP since there's a chance I might have to go back to some "released" scenes and edit them down the road if I need to.

So, I went ahead and knocked out one of the shorter scenes right away. Ironically I might save the intro scene for last. The scene here is just a sort of tease scene before the good bits kick off. I want to establish the playful/carefree/lewd personality of the character. I want to work on a BJ scene next I think. Since those are pretty hard to do I think knocking it out first should mean smooth sailing for the rest of the animation unless I get funny ideas.

For the scene file itself it has the same "problems" as my last tiddy drop scene I made 100 years ago in that you need to be an "intermediate" timeline user to use breasts of different sizes since it requires you to edit the breasts in KKPE and apply those edits to that specific point in the timeline. However, if you're fine with whatever adjustments it makes to your characters breasts it's no biggie. If you want you can just copy the breasts of the model in the SD to your character so it fits perfectly.

Enjoy the scene so far and I hope I have more to show in the future!




What a naughty teen girl (that never existed in anyone's high school days)... Btw, do you have a name for her?


I've uh, been struggling to come up with one. However, worst case scenario there's probably an online name generator I can refer too

Molom 6464

Am I watchin Spielberg-Key?


Thank you so much!But I have a question. After reading the scene, the character's mouth won't move. How can I solve it?


Usually that means your using an outdated version of the modpack. Just need to update your HR or BR, depending on how you got it. A sort of workaround is to load the scene > select the character > open timeline > single files > save single file then you just load your character in and load the single file you just made


Thank you, but what I mean is that CHIKA's mouth in your basic scene card won't move. Do I also need to upgrade my HR,too?