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Back from the holidays this time for real™!

Last visiting family member finally left and I no longer have to worry about a cousin or grandparent walking in while I work. From my last post I planned on getting back to it a little earlier but a canceled flight had a few family members staying over at my house for the week.

Hopefully you guys also had a good holiday and new year

Expect WIPS in the coming days again. I got a few plans for 2024 as well once I finish my commission backlog. I for sure want to work on the game some more too. 

Just a little text update for those wondering where I vanished to this week



You could've welcomed your cousin into the *culture*! What a missed opportunity! Jokes aside, wish you a wonderful new year and wish you all the best in achieving your goals for the year!


Take your time friend! Hope you enjoyed your time with your fam! Anyways looking forward to what you have instore!