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Download: https://mega.nz/file/D6ACSBLT#6bY7aonAlDLDltQDWwiRQ-uFoSWfhVTJLSG-HpipISg

Original Arlecchino model by マキス: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/112761866

Edits to the card are done by the client. Client wished to remain anonymous but you can yoink it from the scene file if you want the exact card.

It's done! I ended up spending a week between my last post and this one cause I was always "almost done" so there was no need to post an update if I was "gonna finish it in a few hours". Except I kept adding more and more to it. Sorry about the low quality of the preview, the HD video will be attached as usual though. I still need to find a website that allows me to host NSFW videos that can connect with websites like patreon/fanbox.

Even using a video as reference this still took me longer than I anticipated. But I think the end result is good. I'll probably spend tomorrow working on a chika version of the scene file. I've noticed some slight errors when replacing the character. Mostly that the eyes aren't looking the correct way.

I really like the camera giving the secondary angle. It might be a bit extra for a lot of scenes but it's a nice trick to pull out in the future I think. 

Scene data + HD video file are in the link above

they exceeded patreons 200mb limit so I had to host them off-site.

2 versions of the scene data as usual for these types of scenes. One with and one without deformation.




For some reason this scene crashes studio when I load it.

Molom 6464

we came to get smut. we found a r t