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Ignore the hands for now, they're bouncing due to a bug in the rendering plugin. In the final scene they won't do that since I plan on just manually animating them to fix this issue.

Getting this far took longer than expected due to a few IRL responsibilities getting in the way. But I'm happy with what I have thus far regardless. Like the last animation I'll be doing things in blocks. I also gave myself the option to not only animate the main camera we're watching through, but I attached the back camera to the, well, camera. So the I can also animate the camera on the screen. I'll have to see what it looks like when both are animated at once though to see if I like it. When doing the Halloween scene I found having some background elements that move really enhanced the scene.

As for the expressions I think I want a sort of mix between her desire to be in control and the occasional slip up that it feels a lot better for her than she's letting on.

Thanks for checking out the WIP update!
