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Making great time on this one!

 Feeling good about getting it done before the big day so this will probably be the last you hear of it before the release. I really didn't need to rush like I thought but better to be safe that sorry.

I experimented with a few "effects" for the scene. Though I'm making them toggleable since I don't know how they will look on other characters. But I think having the eyes glow when she "gets serious" is a nice touch. I've seen it done in videos by others while I was "researching". It really draws your gaze towards her face. Which means at that moment it's important to have some good expressions. I'll be tweaking it from what you see already so hopefully it will have a bit more of an impact.

When she lifts her breast it's the unveiling of the curtain so to speak. So you can peak behind the curtain to reveal I have barely animated anything behind it yet! The male and the schlong will also be animated I just want to do the entire animation for the female since the males animation will be in response to her motions.

That's pretty much it for the progress report~

Next I post should be the release. Man after making that 2:30 anim everything feels so fast now! 



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