Instant Loss: WIP (Patreon)
Wasn't quite able to finish this up today, so I'll drop a preview.
Most of the bulk of the animation was finished, just the detail-work and the climax need to be finished
Notably, secondary motion like butt/breast animation and expressions. Right now the physic engine is doing all the work. As well as a bit of camera motion.
If possible I'd also like to animate her breasts pressing up against him when she leans forward to both prevent clipping and because it looks good tbh.
Unlike my last animation this one should be fairly short so ideally its released tomorrow or Thursday at the latest, barring any unforeseen issues.
I actually wanted to power it out today but I'm experimenting with a new method of animating by using nodes constraints on folders in folders and it basically allows you to animate on top of your animation allowing multiple forces to affect the same bone. Such as when she's bouncing up and down and turning her shoulders at the same time or the more natural looking slight hip-rolls towards the back part of the animation.
But experimenting with the technique also eats up time though I'm confident in the future I'll get faster with this workflow and it should result in cleaner animations. I'm most excited because it will allow me to isolate a single axis of movement to place on a separate curve. This comes default with blender so its nice there's finally a way with studio.
Still, this animation is designed to be bouncier so its hard to notice. I might do something a bit softer after my next commission is over
Regardless, enjoy this WIP preview!