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A side project I've wanted to start is learning to use clip studio and the drawing tablet in a more serious way. I've had the program and the tablet for over a year now but never sat down to actually use it until recently.

Then, out of nowhere, my youtube algorithm started recommending me clip studio tutorials, so after watching a few I decided to dive in with a drawing. Of course I picked Frankie Foster~

As I was going through the motions learning the program I discovered it has a timelapse mode. I learned about it a bit too late so it only starts once I got to work on the shading but you can still sort of see my sketch at the start. A nice side effect of it though is it makes me look super confident in my line and shadow placements since it cuts out 90% of the undo actions and you don't see the massive breaks of me in koi adjusting lighting/posing for reference.

Also the dang image is like, 500px or something because my dumbass drew right on top of the reference (the frankie image that appears halfway through) and the file size was tiny. I never knew to resize the canvas lol. I was wondering why my lines were super pixelated but I just assumed it was some pen setting I was unaware of.

But since it has a timelapse function I thought it would be fun to upload my learning progress in clip studio as well if yall are also interested in seeing me do 2d stuff as well. Consider this me just testing the waters.

Also don't make fun of my method I don't know all the clip studio tricks yet. To change the lineart color I literally just traced it cause I didn't know how to select it.~




Wow that it's actually pretty good! Incredible start