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I'm thankful that backups exist~

I was actually going to post a WIP update yesterday, but literally as I was making the post a power outage from the storm overhead happened. I not only didn't get to make the post but I forgot to save so I was rolled back to my last autosave so I even had to redo a lot of animation

Regardless I was able to catch back up, except the fingers still aren't animated since that's part of what I lost and I quickly wanted to get back up to speed.

Luckily the storm should clear out entirely by Tuesday and I can focus on animating again instead of battling power outages.

Anyways, as you can see I cleaned up the opening a bit, added some bounce to the bed and pushed into the actual thrusting. It's not much but it's what I could squeeze in-between the outages~ Usually when it storms I try to keep my PC off because I don't want a power-surge to brick it in the middle of a scene.

Thanks for checking out the WIP update~

~thinking of buying a UPS so I can save during an outage~



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