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I've officially started on the commission animations.

This one is going to be a sort of missionary/press scene and the client asked me to do an x-ray so I'll be implementing that after I finish the bulk of the animation. I haven't done it before but I have an idea as to how it can be done.

The classroom WIP will be put on hold while I work through my commissions. Since completing these is how I'll raise funds to get audio for that one. So technically doing commissions is also working on the big scene as well lol.

Just the setup for now next post should be some animation. I'm keep all the commissions short too so I shouldn't (in theory) be spending a month on each one lol.

Anyways enjoy this sneak peak. Next update there should be a bit of motion




are the commission ones released to the rest of us? also are there anymore spots open?


Yeah I release anything I make for commissions in some form (if the client doesn't want me to share the characters I'll swap it out though). My slots did fill up right away though. I might revisit doing one or two extra once I finish this batch