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0:00 Episode 29

31:25 Episode 30

01:01 Episode 31



Sofie Gancia

X/O is like YES/NO... there will be questions so they will choose whether they agree with the statement or not. X-No O-Yes. So if they both answer Yes means they are match but if they chose different (one X the other O) means they don't match. Their answer is base on their preference not whether the statement is true or false.

Sofie Gancia

The flipping game is they have to choose their color. Competing teams choose between red/green so one team is green other red. At the end of the game they will count which color is showing more. So if theres more green color means the team who choose the green will be the winner

Beth Williams

The X men game was taken from a show called Running Man with has been around over 10 years. Not as much "running" now as the cast is getting older, but fun.