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I love watching this show with you 💜


Starting now the show gets way more interesting. The first episode (to me) is a bit of a drag and the second episode is transitional but the third on is when it picks up pace and I think you’ll like it more the further the show progresses. I’ll keep it 💯 with you (skip the rest of the comment if you don’t want a medium spoiler ahead) Kamden basically doesn’t exist after this episode (aka no screen time and his elimination doesn’t even get aired) so that’s all for his journey during this show. But Gunwook is gonna get more air time the further the show progresses. You’ll see why. Side note, I know you’re trying to prevent spoilers by acting surprised when TAN members names are revealed but you being like “orange hair guy” when you said his name during the first episode cracked me up 😭 I love all the members who made it into TAN and am still obsessed with their debut song and Jaejun so it’s super cool you already knew about them prior

Marco Gennuso

Nooooo Kamden, nooooo why would they do that when they spend so much time poking fun at him and giving him attention on the show lol??! I thought based on how much they talk about him and focus on him he was gonna make it further!! 😩😩 Also yes, sorry for the inconsistency with names haha. It's coming from an element of me knowing who makes it to the end but also seeing everything with fresh eyes - which still works for me because I've never seen this show before lol. What’s even funnier is I have a TAN poster right over my shoulder in orange if you haven't spotted it yet 😭😭😭😂😂😂


This is one of my favorite shows ☺️