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I have a few interesting theories, and I'm excited to see where it goes. My first theory is that the sekyung with short hair is actually sekyung's daughter from the 2023 timeline, since she's definitely a time traveler too, with how she acts and with being able to hear that payphone, and because she's young, and Eungyeol's age didn't change when he time traveled, so if she from 2023, she would stay that age that she was. So it cant be the Sekyung from 2023 since she's older. Also she was talking about an alcoholic mother and we know the sekyung from 2023 was putting out a bunch of alcohol bottles when Eungyeol saw her. The only flaw with this, I think, is that her daughter just looks so much like sekung from 1995 that either she's in sekung's body or she just looks near exactly like her mother, to the point no one can tell a difference. My second theory, with less evidence, is that I think the universe is consistently trying to right its course to get back to the correct timeline by setting up new scenarios. My current thought is that maybe that famous guitarist Eungyeol's father was supposed to meet a couple weeks ago was supposed to be contestant #10 in that contest for the guitar, but dropped his ticket. And eungyeol wasn't supposed to be there to pick it up. So it was supposed to be that guitarist guy that got shocked by lightning and ended up in the ER near lee chan and maybe they could have officially met and got the timeline back on course. But of course Eungyeol was a variable again and got shocked in his place. Sorry this was long and probably doesn't make sense, I'm just so interested in how this story will continue

Marco Gennuso

Ohhhhhh I didn't even make the connection that Sekyung would've been older by still traveling back to 1995!! So it could very well be her daughter! Question is....is this her first time traveling back or has she already been there before Eungyeol (or we, the audience) first sees her?? Ohhhhh I like the idea of the famous guitarist supposed to be contestant #10. It may mean nothing, but we don’t know why that ticket was just left behind like that. I did not see any of this coming so it's quite intriguing!! I just hope it doesn't lose its way by becoming too complicated and messy to follow and make sense of everything. Time travel can easily fall into that trap lol. Can't wait for the next episode!