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“Hunting” in Korean means “looking for a hook up/ one night stand” for example someone would go “hunting” meaning they’re out looking for a sexual encounter. Lol hope that helps!


This whole show is like a skit where they are supposed to say some lines and create a loose narrative but whatever they do in between is just them being their hectic selves. Think of it half like The Office. It's a skit and improv. Someone should've told you before you watched it because I've seen a lot of people get super confused jumping into it alskdjad. If you want to see other ZB1 content that's easier to understand I recommend KStarNextDoor (there's 2 videos with them, labeled Part 1 and Part 2). It's really funny, has a host from the US so the humor is very Western, and at the end of the videos they have performances. If you want some context for that variety show, anytime the hosts ask them to 'show something off for the parents' it means to do something for their fans, and if the name Patricia is mentioned it's the host's sister. There is one joke with her in it during the videos and if you don't know that you'll be super confused. Outside of KStarNextDoor then I would probably recommend Idol Radio with them (if you do watch it, watch it from the ZB1Subs team (they have a twitter with links and a youtube account where they post vids) because the Idol Radio youtube channel always has subs that are late and not fully translated so fansubbed is the way to go and ZB1subs is amazing). The only context needed for that is that it's hosted by Ateez's Hongjoong and Yunho and the intro of it is sort of plain but once ZB1 sits down it gets way more enjoyable.

Marco Gennuso

I know KStarNextDoor! I did a Treasure reaction from that show. Yes, I have a bunch of content lined up for the coming weeks, including Idol Radio. I just took a look at ZB1subs, I'll bookmark their website! Thank you Nina! 🤗