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Thank you to everyone who has joined my Patreon and has been enjoying my videos so far. I have killed my back and shoulders filming away hour after hour for both here and Youtube and yet, I still feel it's not enough. Don’t think it ever will be enough haha 😅

I'll be dropping my weekly schedule soon, but before I do I just wanted to let you all know how much I appreciate your support. I hope to make this a long-term venture of mine, as Kpop has really given me something new to be excited about and something new to look forward to 🤗

I feel that Kpop - more so than other genres of music - really attracts people who are looking for something different. Looking for something more. And as a content creator, I hope to give people something different, give people something more. So even though I may not have as many videos on here right now, that will soon change. I only ask for your patience 🙏🏻

Thank you once again, and please don’t hesitate to reach out with anything you'd like to share with me ☺️💜



Hi! I know I'm commenting a little late (busy university life as a 20 something year old dfjashd) but you're honestly doing great so don't force yourself!!!! My name is Nina, but you might recognize my youtube username dls-random numbers I can't remember lol. I'm also that one twitter mutual and I usually leave long comments on your patreon/youtube every now and then. It's been amazing to see you join Patreon and see your reactions and growth as a reactor but just remember that seeing kpop content should feel fun to you and not a chore. Anyone worthwhile would totally be okay with you taking breaks or focusing on content you want or anything of that liking. I believe you once made a youtube post like a month or so back mentioning some kdramas so it would be totally lovely to see you watch kdramas you like or are interested in. A lot of kpop reactors burn out within a year max because they force themselves to digest content they aren't really into and then things feel like a chore and that makes it not fun for anyone. Just don't forget to cut yourself some slack too. Of course taking suggestions for content is never a bad idea, but you should never have to force yourself to watch something you dislike. You seem genuinely nice and I like your honesty so it'd be a shame to see this become a chore so that's why I keep emphasizing that you should never force yourself. That's all! And I look forward to whatever content you put out !!!

Marco Gennuso

No need to introduce yourself Nina, I know who you are! I admit when you didn't leave any comments on the last NCT LASTART episode I thought you had just given up on the show 😂😭😭 I appreciate your comments and this very post! Btw, what’s your Twitter? I don’t remember your handle lol. In terms of burnout - which I talk a lot about with friends concerning other topics - I know it's a very real thing, but that is why I wanted to create weekly schedules so I can better manage my time. I'm still working out the kinks but the foundation is laid out, at least. I know there's a lot of pressure for reactors to get their videos out fast and first; but I'm more concerned with just getting it out period 😭😂 I want this to be something I can do for years to come, so I definitely understand the concern. If ever I need to take a break, I will. I have. And I'm going to again. But I've curated my schedule to better space out what I react to and when for that very reason 🤗 I appreciate your words of wisdom Nina! 💜🥰


I am so close to giving up on NCT LASTART but I decided to watch it along with you 😭, something about that show just rubs me wrong and I have no idea to explain it besides how mediocre it all seems coming from a company as big as SM. My college classes have been hectic 🙃 so I’m currently catching up on everything so that’s why I haven’t been able to comment on the previous reaction. My Stan Twitter handle is gunwooklegend (can you tell I’m a huge Gunwook fan 😭😅) but I only really like posts on that account and rarely ever post. I’m super happy to hear you’re comfortable and feeling out what reaction schedule works for you, I really hope I didn’t come across as like “you HAVE to take breaks!!!!” or domineering because at the end of the day you know yourself better and I’m just an outsider. Also I noticed you have an EXO poster (I think it’s Universe era?) in your room and I want to say you have great taste. They were the first ever kpop group I loved and I love seeing EXO-Ls