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Q: Who are you voting for? A: Before the 1st episode aired, they released profiles and introductions from all of the boys PLUS the "signal song" MV called "Here I am" (highly recommend you watch it once you get to a certain point in episode 3) so ppl already had temporary favorites that they were voting for. So ppl could choose 9 boys to vote for before they ever even saw anything of them on the show. Q: Did they know each other before? (In reference to Jay & Kamden, but this goes for a lot of the G trainees), A: I believe no, but mnet paired them up if they're from the same area & without a company. Q: What would they do? Debut in another group while still being in another group. A: Yes actually, technically. The contract for the winners of Boys Planet (Like Produce 101, another idol survival show by Mnet) is only a temporary contract. In the case of ZEROBASEONE its 2.6 years (personally i think thats dumb and they should make it permanent haha), so if a person who is currently in another group were to win and be added to this lineup, the most likely scenario is they would take a temporary hiatus from their main group to focus on this temporary one. That's what happened with Wanna One, who was the group that came out of the pre-cursor to Boys Planet, Produce 101 season 2. 4 members of the group Nu'est who debuted in 2012 joined that season & 1 member from Nu'est made the final group. So he took a hiatus from the Nu'est group and focused on Wanna One for the 1.6 years that Wanna One was active before. A lot of ppl have this idea that being in a group gives you a leg up in these competitions cuz you have a built in fanbase, but honestly not really. The fanbase is usually torn about whether they want the person to debut in the group (which is what happened with Hui) but ALSO, ppl who aren't in that fanbase end up liking a lot of the other contestants more anyway, however joining these shows CAN bring attention to the debuted idols' current group, if they are still with the group (many contestants have previously debuted, like Jiwoong, but they either left their group or the group disbanded). Q: how much time did they have to prepare? A: it varies. so the thing is a lot of the time Mnet would either assign or change some of the trainees' songs they performed with very little notice. So a few had a couple weeks, and a few only had a couple of days. But that's Mnet for you. Fun fact about Gunwook: he was on another survival show called "Wild Idol" apparently and was told that he needed to be more confident so he came into Boys Planet determined with confidence turned up to 300%. made him my favorite automatically the 1st time i watched before i knew any of this cuz he backed that confidence up but also just seemed like a sweet-heart (a lot of ppl said the editing in this episode was bad but idk i never got the feeling of arrogance or anything like that from him? guess I saw through whatever "editing" ppl talk about haha) Q: Why'd they cover his tattoo? A: tattoos are technically illegal in Korea. They can't be on broadcast generally. They have to cover up Hanbin's too (one on his chest & one on his bicep) and Matthew's (the one on his bicep. He has one on his back too but that's never seen and Jiwoong has one on his leg too) There's a joke that Ricky is a natural blonde adhhddhs he said he doesn't like black hair tho he'll try it some time. Also don't take the K vs G thing too serious. They're not fighting or anything and all really like each other. It's just the concept of the show, they're playing it up for TV. Kinda goes for all the comments like "G can't beat K" cuz their "roots" are different and stuff--its cuz the Korean trainee system is a lot more intense. Some of these "trainees" aren't even technically trained. This was seen a lot in the show Produce 48 where they had Korean trainees and Japanese girl group members from AKB48 competing. Tho the Japanese gg members from AKB48 had been idols for some going on YEARS, their skill differences were huge because the systems are so different. Korean trainees just... have more training so their skills are usually more refined. Not always ofc, but generally that's how it goes. And don't mind some of these edits like when it focuses on one trainee and goes "glaring" they're literally just looking. Mnet has this thing ppl call "evil editing". A lot of the time what you see isn't the full story of what's actually happening. Context is usually missing or clips are put out of order to make it look like smth else. The age thing... typically you don't debut idols older than 20. Especially male idols because of mandatory military service. Ofc ppl all over say age doesn't matter and as much as so many of us say that cuz we do believe it, it's just generally not true nor do most people think so. Mostly, kpop fans ARE teenagers & so companies want to debut teenage idols because the fanbase will get to grow with them in age. If your group gets to 7 years, you have lived a long life as an idol. Most groups rarely make it past 1 year if you dig into it, & if you've debuted once (as many of the older trainees have), the likelihood that you'll get another shot somewhere else is incredibly slim, if not impossible. so "zero stars, 1 star, 2 star, 3 star, 4/all star" is just a rating system to know which class to put them in. Ofc everyone WANTS to be a higher level, but a zero star being in a different class wouldn't be very good for them, it'd be like putting someone who should be taking Algebra 1 in advanced trigonometry. Q: How long did the recording go for? A: I heard it was like 36 hours or something. Idk if that's accurate but I imagine it isn't far off. And thats prob why some of the trainees did bad too. Not a lot of practice time and then you're sitting for all that time... its exhausting. So I don't follow Pentagon, but I know "Shine" (and yes, Hui/Hoe Taek is still the leader and in Pentagon altho I believe their contract is about to be up so we shall see what happens) (I love Shine. You will be hard pressed to find a person who has heard that song and DOESNT love Shine. Its a high recommendation. I even bought the song I love it so much and I'm very much a person who pretty much only actively follows BTS) & that moment... was really awesome. Pentagon weren't what I'd call a hugely popular group when that song came out. Like they did well enough, they had a fanbase, but that song came out in 2018 and EVERYONE loved it. It started going viral both globally and in Korea, in a way yes you could say it was their Love Scenario but on a much smaller scale. It would've gone even more viral but the company Pentagon is under, Cube (a very much awful company) didn't take advantage of it enough & then (stupid) stuff happened which resulted in 1 of the members being kicked out of the group (a dating scandal it was ridiculous but that's how kpop is) by Cube & Pentagon struggled a lot after that. Shine was definitely the height of their general popularity, which is what all the trainees were talking about. Hui will explain a bit more about it in ep2 but just know that its an incredibly difficult situation & it was a very rough time for Pentagon following Shine.


Looking forward to your BP reactions!! Glad that you can watch without having to stress much about eliminations and such haha

Moonlight Is A Mixer

btw, yujin probably meant that he’s been focusing on dancing for a year (maybe even outside of yuehua), not that he started learning from the basics a year before, because he was a trainee at yue hua for over 2 years

nea r

Glad to see new people watching Boys Planet, so excited for this! To answer some of your questions :) 7:16 There's usually many known trainees/former idols/current idols participating in these shows so the first votes will usually go to those since people want to support their faves from the very beginning. Many people also vote based on visuals at first since we don't know their skill level yet. That's why the votes will usually change dramatically after a few episodes because people get to know others more and start to find new favorites. 9:30 Yes, there's quite a few! For example Lee Hoetaek (Hui) is from PENTAGON and Keita is from CIIPHER (as you saw on the ep), Jang Jiho, Winnie & Seo Won are from NINE.i and Lee Hwanhee & Lee Dongyeol are from UP10TION. Many of them are also former members of groups that are either disbanded or they have left the group. For example Cha Woongki & Oh Sungmin are former members of TO1 and Lee Seunghwan is a former member of a now disbanded group 1THE9 that was formed through another survival show called Under Nineteen (Jay & Wumuti were in that show too!). 24:35 Yep that's Krystian! 28:30 As far as I know, Ollie is Chinese but since he's also fluent in English I guess he lived abroad? I don't know if he has ever mentioned it but I think I heard somewhere that he would've lived in the US. Jay is mixed (Filipino-Chinese mother & Irish-Hungarian father) and lived in the US pretty much his whole life. 1:07:23 Yes, Ricky has been blonde like FOREEEEEVER. He said that he doesn't really like the natural black hair and has been dyeing his hair different colors ever since he left China to go to Korea many years ago. And yes, tattoos are always covered in Korean broadcasts since they're still pretty much a taboo there. Ricky did talk about his neck tattoo in the final episode so I'm really surprised Mnet allowed him to do that lol. 2.02:56 Yes, he's still a member of PENTAGON and back with them now. Their contract is coming to an end this year tho and knowing how shitty their company is, I really hope that he and the other members will leave and continue under some other agency since Cube is only wasting their talent. I'm glad you enjoyed the first episode and I hope you will enjoy the rest of the show too!

Marco Gennuso

Thank you for the info, nea r!!! Question: So when the voting begins at the beginning of the show (EP 1), are ppl simply just voting for who they think they're gonna like (based off their online profiles)? Yes, Keita was a favourite of mine on TREASURE BOX! Also, I've done some reactions to NINE.i !!! I didn't know they were a part of that group! I'll have to rewatch my reactions to freshen up 😭😂😂 Please feel free to enlighten me on anything else I ask! Next episode should be up soooon!


As a gunwook bias , I’m really excited for more episodes!! I really got attached to everyone as the shows goes by so it was kinda sad tho ㅠㅠ

nea r

Yes, people basically only vote based on what they've heard about the participants at first not knowing much about their idol skills. Boys Planet also released a lot of stuff before the actual show even started so people got to see a little how the participants are like and see them interact on videos. Happy that the info helped!

Kai Leon

Joined bc you already seem to like the zb1 boys so it'll be fun to watch you go through the journey of bp lol


so excited hope u enjoy it💗

Marco Gennuso

Thank you Giulia! Hope you enjoy my videos! I'm a little late responding to your comments cus I've been filming away haha. I'll chime in as soon as I can take a rest!


Hey! I'm glad you reacted to Boys Planet, I like hearing your reactions because it feels like I'm watching it with a friend! <3 About Tanako, I think he stayed away because in Japan it's polite, if you arrive first, to sit in the last seat in the line, so that whoever comes after doesn't have to pass by you to find a seat.

Rodeo Princess

The moment I saw Junseo (i think that's his name) I also thought he's already in a group or something then I realize that he looks like Park Seo Joon that's why he's face seems familiar lol