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Hey everyone, hope you've had a great week so far! I posted on Youtube yesterday how I've been delayed with my filming this week because I injured my arm working out and have been in a lot of physical pain. It's gotten better for sure, but the carpal tunnel condition is still a little sensitive.

I really wanted to get a head start with my filming tonight - Thursday night - but I now have a splitting headache and don’t think I can do it. It's the type of headache that wraps around the back of your neck to your temples......just a constant throbbing.....thankfully no fever though lol.

I just wanted everyone to know how I'm feeling just in case I don't get to everything this weekend 😩 I'm going to Comic Con on Sunday so hopefully I'll be fine by then lol. I have every intention to start filming tomorrow (Friday) so hopefully I'll feel good enough to do so! 🙏🏻

Thanks everyone! 💜


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