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It's so brutal that there had to be eliminations after this round cause everyone was so good.


This round was so so good. When it came to performance TBZ def impressed me the most. I also loved the way they arranged the song (I listened to this version more than the original!). But this episode is so special to me because it was when I fell in love with ONF. For me it takes this one song to sit up, listen and get ready to really dive into a group and this song was my start into ONF and their amazing discography. Golden Child, loved the performance, that violin solo was just epic also really like the song and choreo! Oneus, another performance that I loved but I do agree...it was maybe a bit too much (especially at the end...). Verivery, that song is so great, that performance and concept sooo creepy and they pulled it off so well. One of those performances I go back and watch again and again.