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apologies i meant to get this out a few days back but i got caught up in your typical holiday business

im a little burned still on my twitter going kaput, im not necessarily upset about it just kind of tired if that makes sense, I also wanted to take January off to work on some personal projects of mine. Some of you know about one or two of them. I'm gonna have to rebuild my Twitter over the course of 2024 (hopefully) so I wanted to just get some stuff ive had concocting in my head out there first before it's back to the grind

I'm still going to be posting DiD here in January even tho there will be no poll, so stick around

Towards the end of January I will put up the suggestion post for "Furry February" just like we did this year, so after January the patreon will be right back on track w no hitches hopefully

I want to focus on this patreon and my pages in general a lot more for 2024. You guys can hold me to that resolution I'm gonna try my best to stick with it.

All in all, Merry belated Christmas if you celebrate, hope you have a Happy New Year, and I look forward to seeing you all in 2024





Happy New Year’s Mummy :)


Happy new year, take all the time that you need to yourself and try to rest, hope you the best ♥️