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As I'm sure you've noticed, the output for this month was nonexistent. There was a family emergency that happened while the DOTM poll was wrapping up that completely ate away at me the last two weeks both mentally and physically.

I was originally going to power through but its already gotten to be the 24th and it's just now over- I'm not too keen on using my pause feature only 3 months in but I feel this warrants it, and I'd rather get used to it since the entire reason I was comfortable enough to start a Patreon was having the ability to pause if I wasn't able to produce anything during a month

So November will inherit October's rewards and you guys don't have to pay for a dead month, thanks for understanding and I apologize



Hey homie its all good. Take all the time, your mental health really matters on the situation and no matter what, its completely understandable and will wait no matter how long. Remember you also got my support and im all ears if you need to vent bro! 🤗


Sorry you had to deal with some uncomfortable private matters. Hope you're doing okay and things'll improve. Thank you for thinking of us even when you're going through a difficult time. Take all the time you need. (that Salmummt Chopper is adorable haha)

Murdoch Tremblay

No worries. Life happens. I hope everyone is doing better. Tater


No need to apologise, your health n needs always come first and here to support that. Look after yourself and here to help however I can.


Take your time, mate. We’re not going anywhere.


You don't need to apologize, take all the time you need


Don't worry about it, health should always come first! Hope things get better for you.


Damn, sorry to hear that. Dont worry about it bro, take your time.

Reishi K

Your health is important. The masses can go a while without the horny. Take your time, brother.


take yer time, life's unpredictable and you gotta make sure yer at yer best always