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Hey lads,

Since the Patreon is growing, more-so than I imagined; I have increased time to work on modded content. Now that face animations are being slowly integrated into the modding kit, I'm putting feelers out to see what you would like to see from me.

Note: If you are familiar with my Character work and their quality, they do take longer to create for this reason.

This isn't exclusive to Characters, but a general inquiry to get scope on what you would prefer to see from me. This can include Arenas.

Comment below with any suggested content. 



I'll enjoy what ever you put out. Weapons are my Dig because that's not my wheel house. Your additional wrestlers and belts are bonus content. The cherry content is the tutorials and tools because I am here to learn and create and become a modder as well. You have seen my shows, I'm all for what will help me create my original content. Teach a man to fish.

Roger Vas Normandy

I'd like to have the njpw belts (US, intercontinental and stuff) and I hope u still giving love to us 2k19 players haha


Absolutely! All belts will be for 2K19 as well. 🤘


I can't make any promises for character mods with 2K19, it would be twice the work load since they are 2 different processes; you essentially have to recreate it from scratch in another game. I am working on a YOBJ plugin for Blender to make this process easier though!