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Replaces: Baseball Bat

Notes: 2K changed the way their physics work with weapons this time around, I've done my best to minimize physics collision so that it doesn't collide as much with the player.

Download Link Below!

Mods require that you have CakeTools to compile, and the WWE 2K22 patcher applied to your exe to enable modding.

Don't know how to install? Follow the simple steps from this tutorial:




Keep grinding bro! Your work is lit!


One thing I would do if there is a way to code it. Once the thumb tacks get dropped since they are like a glass pane window when held. Remove the ability to pick it up after it is dropped. When watchiung a match it looks silly when it gets picks back up and swinging. Keeping it 100% with you


Yeah I make it so you can't pick it up after it's dropped. Wasn't sure if people would like that though. Easily done. 🤘


Just had a question! I don't think I followed the instructions correctly here, I keep getting this error when trying to bake my mods folder in cake tools (I patched the game and everything) https://imgur.com/XFkgkwe Any help appreciated!


Are you on the latest version of CakeTools? Which instructions did you follow, was it the one on the PWM wiki? Make sure there are no hidden characters in your _mods folder name too.


CakeTools v0.991a_p1.14 and yes the instructions are from the PWM wiki! took the _mods folder dragged it right from this mod. Should I make a completely new folder in that case?


Hm, that's strange. When you click bake folder, are you making sure to go through to your _mods folder and then click select folder? The idea is to bake everything inside _mods, not outside it.


yeah, no. even that doesn't work. Can't tell what could be the issue.


update on this, i did everything the same way, the folder successfully was baked, but the mods aren't visible lol


Have you made sure to apply the patcher to your exe? Found here: https://twitter.com/GilmoresScrot/status/1549115818318905344


the problem was i didnt delete the patcher afterwards lol