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Hey everyone! Here is a brand new WIP for this week's arrangement which is the abolutely CRUSHING "Sector 1" theme from Metroid Fusion!

Ever since beating fusion recently, I've been obsessed with this theme. It's so friggen spooky and haunting but also just so metal at the same time \m/ Obviously this HAD to be a metal cover and I had to absolutely crush it.

I'm super stoked on how it's sounding so far! I think this will definitely be one of my heaviest if not my heaviest cover to date! It was a blast coming up with some grooves for the different sections and I love how open it is giving me a lot of opportunities to do some fun stuff in all of that space.

I hope you enjoy the WIP so far! Let me know what you think!

~ Jack



Aw hell yeah! My favorite Metroid song.