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Hey everyone and happy new year!! I am super pleased to present a WIP for my first cover of 2021. We're entering it with an absolute banger of a theme which is the "Cut Your Way" theme from The Granstream Saga requested by BakmahGenesis!

Listen to the original here:


This theme gave me a LOT of opportunity to really have some fun with it and be really creative. I was messing around with a lot of synth samples and ended up really giving it a unique vibe compared to my other covers and basically turning it into a Trance Metal track!

I'm so stoked on how this is turning out so far. I hope you enjoy it and make sure to let me know what you think!

~ Jack



My opinion is that the song feels like it got a nice tune up in emotions and impact while still remaining smooth throughout. I will definitely be watching to see how it turns out.