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Hey guys! Here is the final master for my metal arrangement of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess' "Midna's Lament" theme featuring the amazingly talented and jazzy insaneintherainmusic AKA Carlos!

I felt like I had to hit up Carlos because when I asked my comment section of Hyrule Field what they'd like to see next, an overwhelming amount of folks were saying Midna BUT with insaneintherainmusic on there and I had to agree that that would make it the ultimate arrangement that it needed to be.

Mixing / mastering this was a pretty insane venture (no pun intended) as I had a whole lot of saxophone tracks to work with and it's such a dynamic instrument that you don't really want to compress too hard because its dynamics is what makes it so emotional and beautiful sounding. But a handful of mixes later, I feel like I really nailed this! I hope you guys enjoy it!! Let me know what you think!

~ Jack / ToxicxEternity


Alex Kaiser

Man, getting Carlos in on this was a good move.