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Hey all, 

I've mentioned this already on my Discord but if you haven't heard yet, the reason my audios have been severely delayed is because I've been dealing with cough, colds, and a sorethroat that just won't leave me be for the past month. 

I've gone to the doctor already and she hasn't told me anything terrible. She thinks it's an allergic cough that I let happen too long and it's sort of affected everything else. She doesn't see an infection so hopefully, it'll be gone after these meds that she gave me. She did ask me to take an x-ray to confirm but I won't receive results til tomorrow. 

I don't know if you've noticed but I actually recorded the last two audios with my throat still sore and a cough still going on. The gagging sort of worsened it so while I know I can take it, I don't think it'll help to keep on recording. 

The voting may continue mid-May. As I try to recover to finish the more prioritized audios up. 

Thanks for sticking around! 


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