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The starfire model i did recently was done with the idea of disney movies and its characters. So it shoudl look fine for anyone who are ok with LEts SAy  Elastic girls look, Very stylized looking character however that feedback is fine for me . 


if you think stylized looking character, or thin girls  is LOLI leave. I dont need people like you here. You can take your money and shove it up ur wallet thanks . have SOME DIGNITY and leave 



Anyone who thinks that is dumber than people breaking driving laws and trying to defend themselves saying they were right or allowed to do so. Aka, drivers where i live 🙄




I for one love the way you do your female models, they’re great!


Where are those comments? All I see are people saying she looks good.


She looks like a 14 year old so the loli comments make sense


Fuck those bitches. I can't wait for Jinx from League to win the next poll. I might even raise my contribution just to suggest it lol


People seem to think that every grown woman needs to be overly thick or look like a bimbo, it’s quite sad

Ryan J

G_B's rants are the high point of my week


the only feedback i have is the wrinkles under her eyes make her look older but thats just my opinion nothing more dont hate


Looks fine to me. Then again I don't complain much.


You crack me up bro.


What i miss?


Lol using the starfire model basically guarantees using more of the raven model as well... so i'm in!


I just wish that for this animation you would use a Cyborg inspired model for the Dood, diversify a bit.

Nitaara Valrin

GB, recent patron, but just wanted to say, love your stuff make whatever you want im here for it.


Look all I want is black fire to clap their cheeks


It's a fictive character and as it has always been, you can make them adult. If it's because she has small boobs or a petite body then I can easily show you many girl past 20 that are the same


I wouldn't expect GB's style of thick curves could ever be confused with loli.


Don't listen to others. Do what you want GB.

Bleakheart Trickster

Thanks GB. You not only bring us fine porn, but jokes like this.

Jim Hernandez

Any work done from GB it's awesome so don't worry and keep it going.


You realize he's saying goodbye to people like you, right? He's saying that the people who are outraged at Starfire's model for being "pedophilic" can go fuck themselves because that's bullshit, not the other way around lol.


Lol can you all shut up. Keep your petty made up outrage on Twitter this ain't it


The style is fine, I would just say the eyes seem much more "real" lookinh than the other parts like her hair.


Stay strong GB ! You have all our support ! ^^


Love your work man


Ehh. I wouldn't call them Lolis but that look for sure is a turn off. If I have to question the age of said character when I see them thats a no go for me. Just sayin