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It uses the TR undewolrd Face only rest is my edit. I will probably use the SOTTR LARa in future. JUst so everyone is happy

Thanks you all for the support



Futa is superior

I'm guessin you still have to edit the face cause it doesn't look anything close to Lara ha

Zephyr E. Levin

Oh? It kind of does look like Underworld Lara (only ever played the game once)


yes i improeved texture and other stuff also its custom so i changed her hair to match the og lara. As it says custom lara. and as for SOTTR LARA fans i m sorry but i dont like her much


Ooooo even got the glasses dis gon be good

Zephyr E. Levin

That breast preview... Which reminds me, you haven't done much for paizuris. Not to your liking or just tricky to animate & clip?


paizuris are super easy to dolol maybe thats why :P

Steven B.

Awesome I can't wait!!!


Just make sure her ass is fat


Damn, was hoping for Shadow of the TR Lara. But I guess there's plenty of stuff with her already.


Very nice, can't wait to see it! Always loved classic Lara.


Something about her neck is off...

Alice Anne

Looking good c: