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Wiith the cureent situation, I cant thank you all enough than you sticking with me. This whole thing kinda made me realize how strong my fooking fanbase is. So thanks again for All your Support

So i wanted to talk to you guys about recent improvement and changes


4K files Size is reduced to a huge amount without almost any loss in quality. Lets be honest this has to happens somtime. 300 MB T0 700 MB file size for a 20sec File is just Too Much.

But yeah Other than zooming in the video, You wont see any quality Loss 


Everything has its own tag Now from character to genre to Type Of Scene. Check in The new Tag system And Click to be directed. 

For Example You like Staright Stuff. Click on Straight Tag to be directed to all the Anims related to the Tag


Check the Discord link for All Of my SFM  Works. All the blender works are posted WIth SIngular LInk

Check the Discord LINk And Join Discord and Find the channel Named MEGA_LINK_ARCHIVE To Find my SFM Stuff


Any Monstah Stuff DOne in FUture. Will Be posted On DISCORD ONLY Too. SO makre sure to JOin the discord. You can find Discord LInk in the DIscord TAG in PATREON.


POSTER Broken links WIll be Updated very Soon.

Thanks again all for your support. As soon as you download a file. Make sure to make a archive of your own. That Way you can provide me you own link if one Fails



We’ll stick with you no matter what happens! ✊

Steven B.

I'm with you for keeps man!


This is amazing! it's all perfect! So amazing! Well done! once again thank you and good continuation (・ω<) Take care of yourself and your health.


Have you considered rendering something in VR?


Is the video quality change just for old releases, or will it be for new ones as well? I have to admit I'm kind of disappointed by the lower quality, I understand if it's necessary for old videos but I hope it's not for new ones too. Here's a comparison, both are 4K, there's a lot of lost detail in her skin texture, and also her hair in the upper left. https://screenshotcomparison.com/comparison/1740


iT will be for new ones too. I cant sutstain the amount of download that my videos Go through. Other than that you are paying 1 Dollar for This so its still way more than Faiir


Love you and keep the black dicks coming! Your hater in comments under them are basically ready to commit sudoku


I'm in the discord but your mega link archive channel doesn't exist