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Thank you to everyone who voted for this! It was a really fun project. I've never done anything audio before, and I definitely got to learn a little about recording and editing. Still, there are some hiccups!

I hope you enjoy the reflection. I attached two pictures of my outfit the day I went and dommed that's described in the piece.



Kersey Harding

This was really well made, it sounds like a legitimate audiobook


Thank you! That's so kind of you to say<3 I don't know if it's just listening to my own voice or how personal the content is, but I felt so shy about this one! I did put in the work to make sure it was well done, though, and I'm glad it shows<3 I'm not sure how long I'll keep this one up, but now I have the basic tools to make audios :)

Duke A. Déserix

This sounds phenomenal! The work you put in really shows. It feels incredibly affirming to hear someone talk about setting and dealing with boundaries in an intimate context. I've always had trouble with boundaries and I love hearing about the different ways people express them. <3


Thank you! It was definitely been a growth experience for me, and I'm glad I could share it with others. I'm glad it connected with you, and I wish you luck with your own journey on boundary setting♡ (Also I'm glad the footwork shows🥰)