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Before these pictures, I hit the gym and wasn't hitting my usual weights or volumes. On "progress picture" day I want to feel powerful and like I can see my progress. This month has been brutal for training with travel to family and then getting sick.

The reality is that progress is not linear, but also that progress can happen in areas you aren't measuring. I'm feeling increasingly confident in my form, I feel confident that I know what I need to do to get back into pushing for gains after my sickness, and still, feeling at my weakest in a month or so, I'm far stronger that I was at the beginning of this. Talking myself through that has shown me I'm also learning how to navigate setbacks better than I have previously, not just in lifting, but in life generally.

We are back at it :)

Day of pics lifting numbers:

Barbell squat: warmups then 135lb 3 sets of 5
Barbell Shoulder Press: warmups then 55lb 3 sets of 5
Barbell Deadlift: warmups then 135lb 1 set of 5

Body weight: 125.4lbs



General Contact Unit Problem Child

Also you look strong as fuck. Like I’m taller than you and AMAB and I’d genuinely not want to fight you with my skinny arms & torso

General Contact Unit Problem Child

"Not sure what you're referring to. My curtains, maybe?" OK so I looked at it again on a bigger screen, I was perceiving your curtains and one of your tattoos as a single object. I assumed it was some kind of fitness device, but never mind