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Surge just wouldn't back down, no matter how hard Sonic pushed back. He didn't want to hurt her - that wasn't his goal anymore - however, the tenrec was ignoring the bigger picture here. If the only way to get through to her was to beat her down, then Sonic would have to do just that.

Luckily, the hedgehog had vastly improved his martial abilities over the years, and even though most of his speed had been sapped, he was still able to keep Surge at bay. He thanked Chaos that Surge had also lost her speed or else this battle would have been next to impossible.

"Where did you learn to fight like that?!"

Sonic: "Eh, it's easy when you're me. But I gotta thank an ol' plumber friend of mine for showin' me the ropes."

Surge: "A plumber? Are you fucking me?!"

Sonic: "Heh. You'll wish I was after this."

Surge: "Gggrrrh! Shut up! I've had enough of you bullshittin' and fuckin' around! When are you gonna take. This. SERIOUSLY!?!?!?"

Surge lunges for Sonic, who takes a leap into the air towards Surge, his fist pulled far behind him.

Surge: Is he gonna put all of his force into that punch? Ha! IDIOT!! He'll whiff and I'll punish!

Surge's assurance quickly dissolved when she realized Sonic was a lot closer than she thought...She could almost FEEL his next words in her Soul:

Sonic: Catch this forward air.

With a loud 'CRACK', Sonic's fist connected to the top of Surge's skull, knocking her to the ground with a force that threw chunks of hard packed dirt and rocks in every direction, making way for a fresh crater almost three times the tenrec's height.

She lay there, knocked out with visible heat coming off the top of her head where she was struck. Sonic landed a few feet away, chuckling while kissing his fist.

Sonic: Let's-a go.~



Lmao he styled on her. Also any update on nympho-hypno?


I honestly would like to see mario and sonic picking up some tricks from other in their actual cannon that would be fun


Working on pages as we speak, drafted the first 10 pages on Monday!