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Hey guys! Just wanted to let people know what's been going on with me for the past few months!

I am still working on comics, stories, and art like normal! There's a bunch of stuff I've got cooking at once to fill both Patreon AND Subscribestar with.

And yes, I'm "reviving" my Subscribestar account in light of the various terminations of fellow content creators here. It's been tough but I don't plan on stopping any time soon.

To keep a long notice short, my two primary Projects as of now are "The Hare & The Harlequin: Elevator Hitch," and "The Elliot Test." You'll be able to find more information about them at the end of this update.

Again, and I want to stress this BADLY. I am FAR more active in my Supporter Discord than I am on Patreon or Subscribestar itself. Not only is it a lot more convenient for me to build a community there, but I never post full artwork to either platform as to combat those who "archive" exclusive content on certain sites. I want what I want to be exclusive to remain exclusive and will continue to take measures to ensure that.

That means - if you haven't already - I implore you to create a Discord account, connect it to your Patreon or Subscribestar account, and join the Server. The bots will give you the appropriate permissions to view all the exclusive channels. If an hour or two has passed and you haven't received access, DM me with proof of your pledge, and I'll give you the appropriate roles myself.

To reiterate, the ONLY images that will be posted directly to Subscribestar and Patreon will be TEASER images, followed by invite links to my Discord Server, and links to the appropriate channels. However, I might post more WIP images on the site directly, just to show that I'm still alive. XD

I do plan to integrate supporter access to my website as well, but figuring out the API will take some time, I'll keep you all posted.

In regards to content, Comics will be run a little differently. Supporters will still be able to read pages early like normal, but instead of getting one page at a time, I'll be releasing batches of 4+ pages at once to all Supporters. They'll remain exclusive for a week or two before being released publicly biweekly page by page. Regardless of a backlog or not, Supporters will always be ahead of the Public release.

If you see a Series on my website with a "Limited Supporter Exclusive" banner on it, then that's pretty much what it means.

But there will still be shorter Comics that will stay Exclusive! Here's what I've got lined up:

- Means to an End (Pseudoregalia) [ Sybil X ??? ]
- Samadhi (LEGO Monkie Kid) [ Mei X Red Son ]
- SquadQ (Fortnite) [ Meow Skulls X Sunspot ]
- Torchbearers (Kung Fu Pand 4) [ Tai Lung X Zhen ]

So keep an eye out for those!

As always, thank you for your support. I'm trying my best to make as much content as I can as quickly as I can for you all to enjoy. Usually a workload like this would be best fitting for a team, but I'm on my own for now! Maybe one day I can hire artists to work on these comics for me, but until then we're riding solo in the art department!

I'll see you all in the next update!


JOIN MY SERVER! https://discord.gg/8GYV7a84qA
CONNECT PATREON TO DISCORD: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Getting-Discord-access

HARE & THE HARLEQUIN HOME: https://layziidakkii.com/hareandtheharlequin-home
THE ELLIOT TEST HOME: https://layziidakkii.com/theelliottest-home


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