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That was a year of a LOT of ups and downs, I moved into a new apartment, moving soon again in the coming weeks, struggled with self love, motivation, friends, dating, my dog, but I'm still here. I haven't been involved in the community for a while now and in a way I miss it, but somehow I feel like I don't belong. I don't know if it's because I don't try hard enough, or I simply don't fit in... Well, here's to a new year trying to be better at all aspects of life.

Anyway, here, have some of my NSFW favourites:

The Heist

The Way You Breathe Makes Me Weak

Assassinating Your Lust

Assassin Mentor Initiates You


Sleep Paralysis


Childhood Friend and Jealous Boy

The Hörneyjar Saga

On Youtube

Deep in Her Eyes

Beyond the Blackwall

More to Life than Living (remake)

Braindance Free Trial

I've also been playing a lot more with sounds and ambience, here's one example:

Cin City Ambience

Some of my favourites behind a paywall 

The Hitchhiker

First Date in Ikea

I, Gynoid

Her First Time

JOI 2069

Braindance part 2.

You're a Prince?

When the Dating Apps Don't Work

What was your favourite last year?



Amazing collection of audios, Cinn! And I’m proud of what you’ve accomplished this year! 😘