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You've just been promoted to Vice President of your father's MegaCorp. You should be happy but it was always his dream, not yours. On your limo ride home, you come face to face with an old flame, who outlines a plan to ruin your father, while getting rich (and getting the girl) at the same time. She makes a very "persuasive" argument.

This script was written by my dear friend u/Burwinkle_Hendershot

This is an early release and will be available publicly on Reddit in 10 days.

Cyberpunk Music MIX by Alex-Productions:


Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0


Burwinkle Hendershot

Looooooove it. And the title change from "revolutionary" to "anarchist" is so good I've change the script title. :)